Why is the Market Crash Good


The recent crypto market is going through yet another recession, crypto winter, nose diving etc I mean you name it. But anyone who had even a little bit of idea of risk management may have known that it would happen sooner or later. Bear market comes after bulls and vice versa.

But the question is, was everyone prepare for it? I guess No. There was not a proper risk management on the part of too many users or big organizations out there. There always be the risks and accepting them means to get ready for it while it becomes a reality.

It would be wrong to think of staying in the bull market forever as long as new users come along. These sort of things have no place in the market probably.

These sort of downtrends may have a very little effect on those people who build and run their businesses taking in consideration things like complete account profits, risk assessment and costs.

Why is the Market Crash Good

Well, it would look stupid to say that the market crash is good while people lose their money. But if we look at the impact of it, is what could be good for the ecosystem.

Many users join the space just to collect quick bucks from speculating or pumping. These market crash makes these people sober.

If you start working with crypto, you have to prepare yourself for the downtrends and the risks involved with it just as mentally preparing yourself for a possible leg break while driving a bike.

What these downtrends do is that they drive away those useless profiteers away. Only those project may survive which has a promising system and want to stay here for a longer term rather than just looking to collect some quick bucks, pack their bags and leave.

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