Zero To Hero Challenge Ep 15: Systemic Failure

Failure is approaching critical levels across the board. Every single market is seemingly in chaos with liquidity reserves shrinking everywhere.

What is the solution? Is there an eventual way out of this mess or are we just going to grind lower into poverty every day? It doesn't seem like there is any hope at the end of the tunnel just more shit to wade through. Our government is failing us and the institutions which were put in place are only taking advantage of the situation to their benefit.

The average person is suffering greatly with inflation at 40 year highs and zero chance of a near term decline. Oil prices are mostly to blame for this latest round of high costs for goods and services. Wages are nowhere near keeping up with the inflation we are experiencing.

All stores of value are being tapped and have been over the past year as the liqudity just keeps drying up. Nothing is safe, not blue chip stocks, not the major indices. Billionaires are hemorrhaging with stock prices plummeting too.

Nothing we can do but keep building, learning and working our way towards a financially free future. This means staying dedicated to the craft of investing and educating others in crypto, DeFi and blockchain too. Those who lose faith and their purpose will miss one of the greatest wealth building opportunities of our lifetime when things eventually do flip and recover. This unfortunately will take years to see through to fruition.



My portfolio has been up and down the last month, but mostly down. Its sp hard to fight against the worst economic situation we have seen in almost a century. Money is fleeting in this economy when every single day present some bew challenge or volatility which wipes out traders. All of my profits have evaporated and Im net negative for the last two years now in crypto and stocks.

But the show must go on. There is always a way to discover the next 100x or 10x project which would make back all the losses. Patience is a virtue that many people lack- something I myself have been working on lately. Nothing good comes easy these days, remember that.

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