Saturday Savers Club Progress week 26 - hit my annual ARCHON target, and DAB drips are coming on nicely !

Its week 26 (01/07/23) of my savings focus for 2023 with the Saturday Savers Club which I think is a great Hive community initiative run by @shanibeer writing as @sally-saver on the @eddie-earner account.

My main focus this year is HP, and methods that contribute to that.

Weekly Stats

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Weekly commentary

  • I last posted on sunday so this isnt a full weeks worth of progress hence numbers are lower, and its also worth noting that its the 1st day of the second half of the year ! So we are half way through 2023 - I'll have to do a round-up of how the first 6 months of the year have gone in another post,
  • My weekly gain was +30 HP which is low, but as said, its not reflective of a full week,,
  • My HP total is 5579. This time last year I had 1153, so have gained 4426 in the year,
  • I need a further 4421 HP to hit the 10K target, which at 26 weeks to go requires 169 HP per week (up 4 per week). It will be tough for me to hit this, although I've not moved any gains from HBD/HIVE trading into HP yet, so will see what happens later in the year,
  • I added another 19 HP to my delegation to @eds-vote to help with my annual EDS target. I now have 1425 HP delegated and its making a nice difference to my weekly EDS income (1.13 EDS this week from the delegation alone),
  • My Hivestats weekly author reward was +78 HP which is pretty good for me at the moment,
  • My Hivestats weekly curation reward was +2.62HP, which is about right, so cant complain at that,
  • I'm saving up some liquid HP to buy more DBOND when the 1st batch goes up for sale on the 16th of July,
  • In this first week of DAB minting I've gained 0.999 - not quite 1 ! I'm quite happy with that, and am looking forward to seeing how it continues and works once its fully up and running. And it looks like daily HIVE drops from DAB starts tomorrow. I'll be staking my DAB so that it instead mints more DBOND - I love the synergy for that !,
  • I had a better than average weekly increase for DAB - which seeing as it was the first week, its not a big surprise !,
  • In terms of annual targets, I've now hit my ARCHON target and am on track to hit my SPI and DBOND targets. I will hit the @eds-vote delegation too (one way or another). That just leaves HIVE and EDS. EDS will get close now (with my increased HP delegation to @eds-vote), but HIVE will be tough,
  • HBD:HIVE trading - I had no trades go through this week as the price is still a little low compared to where I have my trading pots set up. I have more trades that kick in at about $0.36 so we'll see what happens. However, if the price of HIVE stays below that, then no problem, because its a great time to sell HBD from post income for HIVE !

Plan for the coming week

  • To continue to make sure I post daily to ensure daily HBD and HIVE author rewards,
  • To be active in HIVE Blog curation to help with HIVE curation rewards,
  • To continue to increase undelegated HIVE in order to improve HIVE curation rewards,
  • HBD:HIVE Trading - if the price of HIVE rises soon I'll hopefully see some more action kicking in on the trading front this week or next week,
  • To keep taking regular profits (weekly and monthly) from some other token income streams to fund investment in other opportunities. I will be using this to buy DBOND over the coming weeks, and Leader NFTs for the game REALM on WAX,
  • To continue to produce articles for the @SPinvest account, which provides SPI in return,
  • This weeks delegation of 33% of my weekly HP income (+10 HP) will be going to @eds-vote, and I will continue to do that until I hit my target delegation of 2k,
  • To keep building up my layer-2 token passive income stream via staking and delegating,
  • I will be selling HBD payouts from posts for HIVE in order to accumulate the rest of the DBOND I want when the sale starts on the 16th of July (another 140 to go to hit 500). This will be a key focus for me over the coming weeks,
  • To keep building my gaming income streams particularly on Rising Star and Realm,
  • And making sure I use the #archon tag in posts as that generates archon payouts which helps towards that annual target.

In summary, it was an unremarkable week apart from hitting my annual ARCHON target. I was also quite happy to see a nice stream of DAB coming in each day. I'm really looking forward to seeing how that pans out over the coming weeks !

And as a reminder:

  • Its HPUD today - cant believe its the 1st of July !,
  • This weeks #saturdaysavers #topauthors announcement post and poll went live on friday - so getting voting !. We are looking for inciteful content that shows how you are saving, growing and investing - the winner each week gets 60% of the announcement post payout - so its worth it ! There are also HSBI rewards for all other contenders - everyone is a winner !


Interested in the Saturday Savers Club ? Check out their latest posts here.

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