Edge of the new order

Edge of the new order

Disclaimer: This article contains a lot of controversial opinions and does not contain any subjective bias. Please read it critically. If you feel unwell, please understand

In the end, Capitol Hill announced Biden's election amidst the chaos, bringing an ugly end to the 2020 election. It seems that everything can return to the Obama era, but everyone knows that the old order is no longer sustainable: on the one hand, the fiscal problem is more severe, and the continuous breakthrough of the debt ceiling has touched the bottom line of US dollar credit; on the other hand, the epidemic is serious Having established trade relations, China and Europe took the opportunity to strengthen their respective trading systems and strategic cooperation, gradually alienating the US dollar order. The former comparative advantage has gradually been leveled out, and the sense of trust has worn out too much. As China continues to rise, today's balance of power may be the beginning of an imbalance.

Re-examining the Trump-led policy is a "small pattern" in which domestic interests of the United States are prioritized, and what Deep State really hopes is a "large pattern" of unconstrained super-sovereignty, which can sacrifice all the interests of the host country if necessary, including Dollar. The American version of the global order for 75 years after World War II may truly leap into a new global version dominated by super-sovereign forces and endorsed by an information capitalist complex during Biden's term.

Therefore, Modern Monetary Theory, anchored by inflation, began to move around. Simply put, modern monetary theory allows the Treasury Department to assume the functions of the Federal Reserve and continue to print money. The only constraint on excess currency is inflation. Once inflation is high, increase taxes to destroy currency and control inflation. This means that as long as full employment and low inflation are not high, the issuance of sovereign currencies has no nominal budget constraints.

Among the major developed countries, only Japan, which is essentially deflationary, has practiced modern monetary theory. However, Japan's level of civilization, nationality, and aging are the most civilized countries, and they are extremely special. As the global reserve currency, the U.S. dollar, once MMT is activated, is a big conspiracy to change the world. It is no longer a sentence of flooding.

Therefore, the super-sovereign asset Bitcoin once again rises fiercely and breaks through the sky, the super-sovereign company Amazon and SaaS camp are fully prosperous, and the actively managed ETF fund Ark Invest has become the bubble flag bearer. There are also geopolitical fringe zones TW, Singapore, Switzerland, and even the United Kingdom. , Are all around the edge of the mainland with a relatively independent attitude, waiting to become the power point for a new round of prosperity. The super-sovereign energy system that is free from oil constraints is prospering again. Solar energy and energy storage technologies are not the same as 10 years ago. Not only are efficiency greatly increased, but they will not be controlled by any country, and they have become popular outlets for large institutions.

The big alligators in the Washington swamps are the real talkers. Those who are elected on stage are all desperate children of the world, and those who applaud in the stage are the most noble VVIPs on the planet. The so-called United States is for outsiders, and everything is Deep State.


Edge of the new order

The people who drained the Washington swamp have all stepped down

The history of the United States is a horror story full of partisan struggles. The partial view is chaotic and the major turning point as a whole fully reflects the will of the strongest interests of the times:

* Industry Group**: As a newly formed party in 1854, Lincoln, the first president of the Republican Party (Grand Old Party), launched a civil war, and completed the substantive unification of the four sectors of the United States, and apparently eliminated it. Slavery liberated the blacks and fundamentally contributed a huge labor force to the industrial capitalism of the United States. At the same time, the implementation of the "Homestead Law" accelerated the development of the western region, consolidated the United States into a unified and huge market, and laid a solid foundation for the United States to become the most advanced industrial and agricultural country in the world at the end of the 19th century.

* Military-industrial complex**: After the Civil War, the United States has the consciousness of exporting civilization to the world. After the tempering of World War I and World War II, the military-industrial complex has become the real force leading the policy direction. Although Trump speaks well, he still does things to maximize the interests of the United States within the existing framework. The former young and energetic Kennedy had too many positions. The dominant U.S.-Soviet peace, hoped that the dollar would return to the silver standard. From his father’s generation, he accumulated hostility towards the predators in the swamp. The conflict eventually became irreconcilable and he was shot in the head. Lovers, younger brothers and family members died unexpectedly. After all, the cold war stalemate of the world's two giants for more than 50 years has supported astronomical military expenditures and fattened a huge military-industrial complex. Where a White House worker can stop it. Even though the United States was about to collapse several times during the Cold War, it still wanted to pick up its opponents. In the end, it relied on super luck, technological progress and wooing China to complete an overwhelming victory over the Soviet camp, and carried out a new round of order expansion.

* Information Capitalism**: After the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the Persian Gulf War, economy and peace became the main theme of the times, and the interests of military industrial groups gradually combined with petrodollars. Clinton is a generation that is a link between the past and the next. The technological dividends of the military-to-civilian conversion under a peaceful basis have been released on a large scale and policies have been loosened. Globalization has become the new mainstream. The global reconfiguration of production factors has not only promoted the breathtaking wave of technology for more than 30 years, but also gave birth to true information capitalism and related huge interest groups. The new groups are not only smarter, faster, and more likely to cheat, but they also master the means of production that are more monopolistic and more important than oil. Technological advancement has brought a more ambitious world vision for the entire information capitalism, devouring data, breaking through national boundaries, covering the world, controlling the media, exporting cultural memes (MEME) that meet the needs, and fully liberalizing low addiction leaves such as Cannabis. , Embracing minorities and sub-cultural groups, becoming the Eye of Providence at the top of the pyramid, and becoming the de facto all-powerful hand through SaaS-based infrastructure.

Edge of the new order

The all-seeing eye on the top of the dollar bill

Therefore, Trump’s loss is not unjustified at all. Although the election process is really good, but which underworld does not kill? Trying to rely on the law and the masses to fight against the new era and the entire Deep State is undoubtedly a frivolous political amateur. Some people think that the beacon of civilization has been extinguished, the gorgeous order coat has exposed the lining covered with lice, and the American law has been stained. In fact, all order is bloody, and it has never been decent.

All the praise of order and civilization is human nature. Both parties have a shining side on the outside and activities in the dark, but the only important thing is the opportunities and risks under the new order.

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