Radioshack DEFI will use USV by Tai Lopez


I am on the waiting list for Radioshack's new Defi and I was looking at the white paper documents, and recently there is a bit more information available. However CoffeeZilla confirmed it, its not just RadioShack, its a partnership with Tai Lopez and a platform called Atlas USV.

( He is in the Discord)

You can see the USV contract itself, or play with the staking Dashboard.

""Universal Store of Value (USV) is designed by Dr. Alex Mehr and Tai Lopez""

There is one active market, and that is SushiSwap DAI/USV.


"RadioShack's partner, Atlas USV, is aiming to become the base layer of DeFi"

I am not throwing this project out yet, but I want to understand what it is exactly. Ok how does Radioshack fit into this? I am going to break down this infographic step by step so I can make sense of what they are doing here.


So I add liquidity... to the pool.. and get LP tokens? As opposed to pooling liquidity into an LP token and depositing it into the pool?

Confused but still going.


User then buys a USV barter using RADIO-DAI LP tokens and USV Treasury owns the LP token.

Time to dive into the USV docs to find the definition of the Barter. I am reading that USV rewards stakers with newly-minted tokens. (You can hold USV on Avalance or Polygon.)

"Protocol users can transfer specific tokens to the protocol's smart contract in return for automatically receiving newly minted discounted USVs, which will be vested over a period of time, also known as "Barter Vesting Terms". The barter prices are automatically and dynamically determined by the smart contracts based on barter price curves."

Here are all the Addresses if you want to take a look.


"Once a barter contract is issued for a specified token, USV users can purchase that token in the open market and transfer it to the Atlas USV treasury in return for discounted USV tokens."


It is a somewhat non-technical paper, using various famous quotes throughout to explain the spirit of the moment. 17.5% of the total initial supply appears set aside for influencers.

"While some of these tokens are set aside for early advisors and capital partners, the majority are not yet allocated and are reserved for future advisors."

USV is on Pancakeswap for 1420.06 BUSD

There's a strange page about MSRR about the madness of crowds that I guess helps set the tone of the token.


"USV is designed to attract the good 'birds' and repel the 'degenerate' ones."

50% of USV tokens are held unstaked in protocol controlled wallets that are lockboxes (PODL) with four defense mechanisms;

1 Liquidity Thickening
2 Token Buyback and Burn
3 Lengthening Barter Contracts
4 Buyback and Add Liquidity

Overall thoughts

Radioshack is trying to position itself at the center of a solution to Defi 1.0. It seemed backwards at first but now it makes more sense reading the rented liquidity page.


"Atlas USV owns the assets in its treasury — it doesn’t rent them. And the same goes for RadioShack LP tokens collected by Atlas USV. And as discussed before, the Atlas USV protocol is a long-term holder — not a reward-oriented, short-term provider of liquidity. This gives RadioShack a unique advantage: The liquidity is permanent — not fleeting."


It seems like an interesting experiment and I hope it goes well. Now where do I find those RADIO tokens?

From the official Radioshack Discord;

"Sam — Yesterday at 13:47
@everyone USV just soft launched on Binance Smart Chain. The USV token on BSC can be bought on Pancake. This is a soft launch. The liquidity and circulating supply will be beefed up over the next few days. The Anyswap router will also become available over the next few days to enable 1:1 exchange across the 3 chains. Check it out on This allows the upcoming RadioShack swap to also operate on BSC rather quickly after launch.

USV on Binance Smart Chain address: 0xaf6162DC717CFC8818eFC8d6f46a41Cf7042fCBA

David — Today at 14:38
@everyone: Great news! USV can now be transferred between Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum/Polygon using Multichain (formerly known as Anyswap)! Check it out:

This reveals that "RadioShack swap" will be operational on BSC soon.


Alright Radioshack i'll put $2 in USV


with a fee of 0.00067447 BNB ($0.32)
for 0.002135814 USV


Alternatively, find USV on SushiSwap (ETH)


Anyswap is now Multichain

and the minimum cross chain swap amount is 12.1773 BUSD, but as you can see if I had more then I could swap my bUSV to mUSV or ETH USV.

More Reading:

Polygon White Paper & Getting Started

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