Day 4 Turning dollars into dreams??

*picture provided by Alamy

Hello everyone i hope you are having an Awesome day! Just waking up after a deep sleep.... I dont remember having any dreams last night tho. Maybe im saving my dreams for while i am awake. The dream of one day being rich on this platform. People on here tell me this isnt any get rich scheme and i am ok with that.... Will it take 1 year 5 years or ten years? I think its only taken a few days on here tho, maybe not the financial part of it but i have definitly been enriched by people on this platform willing to help on my new journey. I just wanted to give a shout out to a few people that have offered help to me on prior posts. they are listed below!

@godfish @jamerussell @palomap3 @heyhaveyamet @brittandjosie @daniasi

You guys have welcomed me with open arms and offered me help! I know its gonna be a long road ahead but with the support you have offered me and this community i know that i am rich already from your kindness!

This is day four and here are some of the financial aspects thus far. I have invested $42 and some of my time on this platform. Here is what my day 4 dollars have got me listed below...

February 13th 2024

Leo 22.185 @.17100832 Hive
Hive 3.185 @ .314 usd
Hbd 1.01 @ .99 usd

Overall total

Leo 249.907 staked in platform
Hive 41.117 staked in platform
Hbd 13.013 staked in savings (earning 20%)

Im listing everything just so i can keep track during this journey.

No curation rewards or author rewards to date as of yet!

Here are some of the posts i updated for the day listed below if you would like to check them out


















Thank you everyone for checking my post out today and look forward to many more!!!

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