HiveBR AMA #28 | Leo Ads Revenue, InLeo Premium, Bull Run e muito mais

Acompanhe o nosso vigésimo oitavo AMA (Ask Me Anything) da comunidade HiveBR no Discord da HiveBR, guiadas pelo @tokenizedsociety e @vempromundo, com a participação especial do @rimurutempest

Falamos sobre:

  • O Leo Ads Revenue e os requisitos para que você comece a recebe-los
  • O custo benefício de adquirir o InLeo Premium
  • A volta dos scams com bull run e o padrão de golpes

Follow our twenty-eighth AMA (Ask Me Anything) from the HiveBR community on the HiveBR Discord, guided by @tokenizedsociety and @vempromundo, with the special participation of @rimurutempest

We talked about:

  • Leo Ads Revenue and the requirements for you to start receiving them
  • The cost-benefit of purchasing InLeo Premium
  • The return of bull run scams and the pattern of scams

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