Chapter 23: Withdrawing Hive Rewards for the First Time

Hello! As you have read in the title of this post, I withdrew my Hive rewards for the first time! It was a nerve-wracking experience for me, who hasn't used Binance nor has any prior experience with trading and stuff. Haha A huge thanks to @glecerioberto's post on How and When to Withdraw your Hive Earnings: A Newbie Guide. It was such a great help for me! If you are also looking for a guide on how to withdraw/convert your coins, I highly recommend this post! Everything's explained well there, and the instructions are very easy to follow. Thank youuuuu @glecerioberto !!!


Based on my little knowledge on cryptocurrency and Hive, I feel like the time I withdrew was not the best time to do so, as the exchange was not that high. But I needed it already, so I went ahead and did it anyway. I was using my tablet for this transaction, and there were some things I had to download for authentication purposes. It was quite an experience for me, and I learned quite a few things!

First, it is very important to read everything thoroughly. It's better to take things slow than instantly clicking on things and have a higher probability of losing your coins or ending up in a different transaction. I was put in this situation, friend! Haha. I was already on the last part of the process, when I noticed that there was something different with the details on the screen and on the instructions given. Little did I know, I was in the BUY section, when I was actually supposed to Sell. LOL SELF! Good thing, I noticed it before it was too late. I cancelled the transaction and sent a message, saying that I clicked on the wrong buttons. Huhu

Oh! That's another thing! I didn't know that you could actually kinda converse with the person on the other end of the transaction. I thought I was messaging a bot lol. Soooooo, on my second try, it took a while before I got to reply to the message of the person trying to buy my coins. Waaaa. I apologized right away and informed them that it was my first time.

And since it was my first time, I decided to convert a small amount first, just in case something will go wrong. Haha Good thing, aside from the communication problems, it actually ended up smoothly.

The worse thing happened during my next transaction. I opted for the amount to be directed to my bank because transferring from GCash to my bank will also require a fee anyway. Before confirming the success of the transaction, we are advised to check our accounts to see if the funds were actually transferred, as there are some scammers lingering around. On the night when I had my last transaction, my bank's app was down. I couldn't open it even after trying multiple times, updating, and reinstalling my app. I was getting anxious because the person who bought my coins was already messaging me about the confirmation, and part of me was still kinda affected because of my failure to instantly reply to the person in my previous transaction. So without thinking much, I clicked on the confirm button even though I didn't get to check my bank yet.

After a few hours, my bank app finally cooperated! I was able to log in, but my heart sank when I saw that my funds weren't in. I refreshed again and again, but still, none. I messaged the person again to ask about it but I didn't get a reply. "Was I just scammed?" I asked myself. But I didn't want to be bitter about it so much, especially because no one asked me to release my coins without checking anyway. I was telling myself that it was okay, and it served as a learning experience for me. I told a friend about it but just tried to laugh about it. I didn't want to be too disappointed.

The next day, part of me was still hoping that it might just be late or something, so I checked my bank app again. And guess what? The funds were in!!! Imagine the relief I felt!!!

Has anybody experienced this before as well? Do funds really come in late when transferred to a bank? Please let me know or share about your experience when you first withdrew as well!

Sooo, as I mentioned before, I needed the money already, and part of it was to buy a printer! Wohoooo! I have been wanting to have a printer for sooo long, so when my teenage nephew and I discussed about dividing the amount for it, I agreed right away! So far, I have already printed a few things with our printer. Maybe I'll share them with you next time. Hihi.

Oh, I also gave a portion of my reward to my parents, who were surprised when I told them that it came from my blog. Yes, Ma. We can earn through writing original and quality content!

I am very happy that I got to buy something from blogging. Who would have thought, right? Huhu. And I am also very proud of my nephew! He got his money for the printer from his small business. Just... Wow.

I hope that more people (esp the older ones) will get a new perspective towards non-conventional ways of earning. Yes, a stable job is wonderful, but other sources aren't that bad either, you know. Hihi

Anyway. That's it for now! Thank you so much for reading.

Stay sane and safe!
Let's spread happiness.


This is M's online journal. Join her as she reminisce memories, discover new things, or simply vomit words on pages. Sometimes she is an artist; other times she is the art.

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