The show opens with an opening music. The host Bread and Co-hosts Santa and Salamander

My thoughts about the topic are thus;

Creating a community means a lot, and it's not something so easy to get done because you have to put a lot of things into consideration when creating a community. There is stuff like creating a front and back end to the project, creating a token, adding value, and also making up a use case to keep the community engaged.

Creating a Token or minting an NFT.

There are a lot of expectations users would anticipate from your community or projects. And that's more of a reason why you need to keep them engaged.

Create an expectation and don’t expect to tell your holders what they should do.

Holders will always seek freedom to do whatever they want, and this is more of a reason why they shouldn’t be restricted to the community, for example forcing engagement on them that maybe if they don't get to retweet then they can be eligible to trade their tokens. This is be something free to everyone, engagement should come from the community itself and not forced on the community by the founders

As a founder, you should play the role of an example.
Founders should also play a key role as examples to the community users. This way they serve and lead by example.

Give away announcements

The INLEO will give $50 to random users who make reasonable comments on the Breads threadcast. To those who reposted and bookmarked the tweet will be eligible to earn some SOL NFT.

Jordan who just had a minted gave his idea

The community looks up to the founder to the extent that they keep worshipping their founder but not like that on the web2 interface. Connection to the community as a founder has to deal with commitment and dedication as they keep looking up to them for engagement and recognition too.

He said they had existed for some time before they could even build on their nft. So I think the community should get to know what's behind their use case before even thinking of running into NFTs and all sorts. He added that users should have their freedom and not some sort of restriction to their assets as it gives them a lot of value to themselves and respects their decisions.

Phygital gave an insightful thought about the reason why staking and even airdrops have importance in deciding between either staying in the community and holding their assets or just exiting immediately after they get what they want.

Founders are fundamentally and profoundly providers of services to industries and communities. Founders should be ready to play their responsibilities to control the revenues that come into the community.

GQ gave an example of collaboration between communities through the founders. Empowering them and also educating them while building a community that you build with them and have them get some responsibility on them too.

Salamander and Santa expressed their concern about content creators. They should not only be restricted to their communities but also they should engage with spaces and also get to learn more.

The show concluded with Breads who gave a reminder about the giveaway and the reward system, the rules to be eligible.

Images is a screenshot from the X app.

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