Are RWA NFT Projects Bridging Web 2 & Web 3?

Opening Music…. Zzzzzzzzz. That was an interesting one with cool beats and lyrics too.

My opinion about this topic

Some kinds of questions first pop up by listening to the topic in the first place. The question is, is there a big gap between web2 and web3?

I think web3 is just an advanced version of the web2 interface inclusive of blockchain technology. The web1 got advanced and updated by the web2 and we all know how long it might have taken before everyone could embrace the system. So web3 also came to give a better version of web2.

@ice-nfts got an intro of guests to the space, Lil Auntie, and also announced the INLEO giveaway to listeners after getting some tasks done.

Lil Auntie gave an insight about the effect of Real World Asset in anticipation of the upcoming bull run market, it would be amazing to see how these RWA NFTs will get to happen live. There is a lot of anticipation of what will happen in the web3 space, and also a lot of projects yet to come up.


From my opinion and observations about RWA NFTs I do believe in the power of technology. Just like no one could believe they were told in the past decades that there shall come a time when humans will have their money on some online portfolio and then won't have to hold on to cash or money in the banks. And so they can also get to make transactions with anybody in that part of the world with some kind of unique currency that will be universally acceptable. No one will believe that could happen.

But with time, BTC showed up and turned out to be a game changer. It gave freedom to everyone and unchained humans from the chains of centralized bodies and even government policies over the financial lives of individuals.

So I highly believe that even the Real World Assets that are yet to be dreamed of are something that can come to pass in the blink of an eye. All it takes is for it to come on board and with time people will embrace the new way. Though not everyone will do it, I believe some parts of the world will embrace it.

Bridging Web2 and Web3.

Yeah, I also agree with this. RWA could bridge the gap. And this is because web2 is more believed to have the marketing of these real assets. You can get to trade or get your assets like real estate properties from web2 interfaces, people get to make a lot of advertisements about their mortgage, their assets, and all sorts online on socials.


Web3 will come into view by bringing up a good payment system without any form of scam. You just have to get your assets listed, and then the payment and signature of ownership will be done with the web3 interface.

In conclusion

This is something I believe could happen in the future. And I hope when the time comes there are a lot of people there to embrace the new way.

Head image is a screenshots from the X app;

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