Require DEC Burn for Soulbound Cards to be Used on Land - User's reaction and my views

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Hope everything is good at your end.


Proposal in Splinterlands Ecosystem

The Splintershards or SPS is Governance token in Splinterlands ecosystem which is a play2earn game on Hive Blockchain. The Hive users holding the SPS in staking condition in wallet has the ability to participate in proposal voting.
Users may propose/suggestion any change in the Splinterlands game or ecosystem through the proposal . Players with staked SPS token can vote in favor or against these proposals. Each staked Splintershards token is equal to the one vote so more the SPS staked in wallet of a users means the more they will be able to influence the results. The ability to cast vote and gives the power in the hands of the users, which is one steps towards the decentralization, which is one basic concept behind the web3 and crypto space.

SPS Governance Proposal - Require DEC Burn for Soulbound Cards to be Used on Land

Few days back Yabapmatt has put a Proposal and if the proposal get passed then the players require to burn DE if they want to use the Soulbound for Land production. Below are the words in the proposal.

I would like to put forth a proposal to the community of staked SPS holders to require DEC or DEC-B to be burned in order to allow soulbound cards to be used as workers on land in the Secret of Praetoria expansion. This would apply to both soulbound reward cards and to gladiator cards, as well as to any new soulbound cards released in the future. The cost to "manifest" a card to allow it to work on land is proposed to be 2x the collection power of the card, not counting the max level CP bonus.

Yabapmatt edited the proposal and edited with below words

UPDATE: Up to 50% of the cost of "manifesting" a card will be able to be paid using VOUCHER tokens at a value of 200 DEC per VOUCHER spent.

As I can understand if the proposal get passed the players has to Burn the DEC based on the collection power of the card used for production. The amount of the DEC to be burned will be double the collection power of the card. The voucher will get also discount as they may be used to pay 50% of the cost (value of 200 DEC per VOUCHER).

Below is the table shows the amount of DEC/DEC-B required to burn as per the rarity and foil.

User Reaction and My Views

The users has the mix reaction as some players are in the favors of the proposal and some are against the proposal. As explained by Yabapmatt the changes are for the good of splinterlands ecosystem as 32M BCX of the soulbound reward cards in existence and the amount will be doubled in comin 5 month. That also means that in coming 5 months the soulbound reward cards will be more then the Chaos Legion cards. And the players with the multiple account can split the plots and may used the soulbound reward cards as workers large number and in this way they do not need to get any other cards to work on their land.

At first the proposal looks ok but it will effect the players with Multi-account as well as the small players also. It it will be hard for a new player with a single land to put their cards for work on land as he has to invest a good amount either to buy or rent a non-soulbond card form the market or he has to burn the DEC/DEC-B to put his soulbound reward cards as workers. As you can see an common gold foil card of 1bcx will cost 250 DEC/DEC-B burning which is 0.2$ and it will get multiple per BCX as the BCX increases. A max leveled Gold Foil card will cost approximately 8$. A max level Gold Foil legendary will be 10 times in cost.

I was going through the reaction of players and following are the suggestions/updated players asking for.

Some players are in favor of the proposal and straight forward they will be voting in favor of the proposal without any change. The DEC or DEC-B burning is acceptable for them and I am sure these all must be old players with lots of old release cards lol. No new player will vote in favor or the proposal as new players has mostly the Soulbound cards and if they want to use on lands thay have to pay a good amount for same

Their are some comments which asked to update the proposal with their suggestion. As per propsal the soul bond cards of any level (or any BCX) may be used by burning the DEC/DEC-B equals to 2x of the collection Power. Some commenter aked to lower the manifest and allowed only the maxed soulbound cards only. Which helps to encourage the players to maxed out their cards and lower manifest also seams to be ok. The more the cards will be maxed the lesser will be the low level card flood in the market. Once the card leveled up their is no way to level it down as this is one way only. A common soulbond reward card required 400 BCX to upgrade it to max level and gives 2000 collection power. So every maxed level common card is capable of removing 400 BCX from the market.
This will also effect the bot farms also which is one of the biggest concern of the community.
Now the other question is what should be the manifest or cost per card to use on lands. Maximum comments asked to reduced it to 1x per BCX which reduced the cost to half of the proposed value and it can be further reduced by using the vouches.
Yes Vouches may also be used as they will be equal to the 200 DEC per vouches and can be used to reduced the cost by 50%, (in similar manner vouchers were used in past also for different promotional events).

Some questions were asked - Why to allow the soulbound cards to work land at all?

If the intention is to reward the older version cards or to absorb the older cards then it is better not to allow the soulbound cards to work lands.

Some concern was raised about the buying of energy (burning of DEC/DEC-B for it) for battle rewards. As the game assets like SPS are already on low side and this means the rewards players are getting form chests is already lacking in price as compare to the previous reward. Players are buying the energy booster to get more chests and if the have to pay extra to use them on lands than it will demotivate them to use the energy.

Here the concept of Weaken Rewards Cards also suggested by some players. As per them the core cards should be the designed in such a way that they should be most desirable card in the game and the reward card should be the designed in such a way that they should be less desirable card in the game. This will ensure that the strong cards can only be purchase and the weaken card can be earned. But I don't know how this will make any change on land. The ability of card does not have any effect on land production (as per my knowledge).

Hefty efficiency penalty until it is out of print also one suggestion by some players. Which means the production rate will have negative effect if players will used the soul bind cards before the reached the print limit.

If you ask my opinion then I will vote against the proposal. I don't line the idea of paying extra DEC or DEC-B to enable the players to use the cards they have already earned by playing the game. But I will be positive for the proposal if the proposal will allow the use of maxed cards with the half the DEC burn value as manifest. I guess the half DEC burn value requirement for maxed cards is fair as they are reward cards. The maxed card means it will forced the players to upgrade the cards which will reduced the low BCX card form the market. It will help to increase the rental market also because the alternative can be renting cards form the market also.

I have some GF legendary cards spare and I wanna rent them out. If you are interested in renting those cards for long term please feel free to contact me by commenting on this post.

What are your views let me know in comment section.

Happy Battling.

See you in field.

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