SPS Governance Proposal - Require DEC Burn for Soulbound Cards to be Used on Land


I would like to put forth a proposal to the community of staked SPS holders to require DEC or DEC-B to be burned in order to allow soulbound cards to be used as workers on land in the Secret of Praetoria expansion. This would apply to both soulbound reward cards and to gladiator cards, as well as to any new soulbound cards released in the future. The cost to "manifest" a card to allow it to work on land is proposed to be 2x the collection power of the card, not counting the max level CP bonus.

UPDATE: Up to 50% of the cost of "manifesting" a card will be able to be paid using VOUCHER tokens at a value of 200 DEC per VOUCHER spent.

The proposed costs to "manifest" 1 BCX and max-level cards of each rarity and foil are shown in the table below for easy reference:

RarityFoilBCXManifestation Cost (DEC/DEC-B)

Please note that this does NOT mean that the cards will become un-soulbound or transferrable. This cost will ONLY allow the cards to be used as workers on land, however it will be applied to the cost to make the cards un-soulbound and transferrable in the future when that option is available. For example, if, in the future, cards cost 2x CP or less to make them transferrable, then any cards for which this amount has been paid to manifest them on land will automatically become transferrable, as the total amount necessary has already been paid. If it will cost more than 2x CP to make the cards transferrable in the future, then any cards for which payment has been made to manifest them on land will only require the difference in cost to be paid to make them transferrable.

Finally, cards that have had the cost paid to manifest on land will not be able to be combined with any cards that have not had this cost paid. An indicator showing whether or not a particular card has had the DEC cost paid to manifest as a worker on land will be added to the card details page and the card combine action will be updated accordingly.

Reasoning for this Proposed Change

Initially, I thought it would be fine to allow soulbound cards to be used as workers on land without any burning of DEC because each player account only has a relatively small number of soulbound cards that would only be able to cover a small number of land plots. It has since been brought to my attention that users with large numbers of accounts, all separately earning soulbound reward cards, would simply be able to split up their land plots among their many accounts and thereby eliminate the need to get any other cards to work their land.

One of the main purposes of the Secret of Praetoria land expansion was to provide additional utility for the card NFTs and to "soak up" the huge amount of non-soulbound reward cards and Chaos Legion cards that had flooded the ecosystem over the past year or two. Additionally, the reward cards were changed to be soulbound (requiring burning DEC to become transferrable) to avoid a similar flood of easily farmable cards going forward. Therefore, if we allow soulbound cards to be used on land with no additional cost then we go a long way towards negating the intended benefits of both of these changes.

To provide some context, there are currently a total of about 32M BCX of the soulbound reward cards in existence, and I expect that number will roughly double over the next 5 months to 64M BCX and continue from there. That is more than all of Chaos Legion which is at about 47M total BCX and quickly approaching the previous reward card set (which was massively overprinted and still hurting the economy) which is at 83M BCX in total.

That growth is fine as long as the cards are soulbound and have a cost to make transferrable and extract value from, but if they are able to be used on land without any cost then it allows players to unlock the value of those cards without putting in value and will once again add huge inflationary pressures to the card pool and the economy as a whole.

For anyone who has not farmed or otherwise obtained a large number of soulbound cards, this proposed change should be a no-brainer. For anyone who is hoping to use a significant number of soulbound cards on land, I urge you to consider the effect on the overall, long term game economy - which will ultimately be what provides value to all Splinterlands assets over time - ahead of your own short-term benefits.

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