Now you have one more reason o explore XTPX

Hello all Hive friends and Hive lovers

Hope everything is good at your end.


From more then two years I am participating in #larrtisalive contest which has daily and weekly delegation rewards for the winners. Every day and weekly the team pick random winner and reward with delegation. The participants get tickets for draw as per the task they compete and their are direct ways to earn the tickets (max 12 per day) increase the chance of winning. You can check the official post here to get more datils about the project.
Recently the team has added CPX as one stop also and I love the CTPX project as this development is form he CTP community. I am accumulating the CTP token form last four years and at present I am holding more then 70k CTP token in staked condition which enable me to stand in top 15th rich list position.
If you don't know then I like to highlight that CTPX is

#CTPX referral system is live

In 1st may we got two exciting new form the hive ecosystem first was the launch of project blanks (we have new UI for leofinance) and second was the CTPX Referral Contest. Yes the CTPX is Content discovery platforms and CTP team and @jongolson is behind the project. The CTPX support different Hive frontends which includes leofinance, peakd, ctptalk etc.

So what is in price..

CTPX token will be rewarded to the random prizes to members for completing different activates like

  • Top Xplorers in CTPX

  • Using the #ctp tag in LeoThreads

  • Top referrer of the day

  • Active users inside of the CTP Discord

So if you are a regular thread users the do not forget to use the #ctp tag during publishing the threads.


Lets make this more interesting. If you are not using the CTPX will give one more reason to do it now. If you successfully login with my referral link, I will send some CTP token to you (I will verify if you have login or not with my referral)
Here is my referral link
I am using my kid @gurseerat account for CTPX.

Please reblog, upvote and comment to support.

What are your views/choice let us know in the comments section.

Thanks for stopping by..


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