Unveiling the Magic: My Journey with Manifestation...

Hey All,

I first encountered the concept of manifestation when I was about 15 years old, overhearing a friend discussing its magic, but I dismissed it, thinking, "What nonsense is she talking about?" Despite my skepticism, the word "manifestation" captivated me with its allure, and I couldn't shake it from my mind. As a native Hindi speaker, I’ve always found classic English vocabulary particularly appealing.

A couple of years later, I stumbled upon the term again, now paired with phrases like visualization, positive thinking, and high vibration. Intrigued, I decided to dive deeper, which led me to the brilliant book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. This book outlines 13 principles for achieving personal and financial success, emphasizing the power of thoughts and a positive mindset, highlighting key concepts such as desire, faith, persistence, and the importance of surrounding oneself with supportive individuals. Hill encourages readers to harness their thoughts and take consistent action to turn their dreams into reality.

Daydreaming: The Gateway to Manifesting Dreams

The key takeaway from the book is about transforming your dreams into reality. It's important to visualize these dreams with both open and closed eyes. The concept of visualization revolves around your ability to picture things in your mind. Although the term often has a negative connotation—like when teachers scold us for "daydreaming"—daydreaming can actually be quite valuable.

You need to envision your goals in your mind, see them unfolding right in front of you, and immerse yourself in the experience to the point where it feels real and tangible, allowing you to truly feel what's happening around you.

My Manifestation Story: A Dream Job Realized

I decided to experiment with the principles of the Law of Attraction and manifestation in various aspects of my life. One of the most significant achievements was landing the job of my dreams. To give you some background, I was working as an SEO Expert at a multinational company when I had my first child. After my maternity leave, which was just three months at that time, I was asked to return to work. Since I had already taken one month off during my eighth month of pregnancy, I found myself with a two-month-old baby and the expectation to return to the office.

Despite our efforts to find a suitable daycare, it didn’t work out, and I ultimately chose to quit my job because my baby was my top priority. My husband was incredibly supportive and encouraged me to take a break from my career, but being newly married and still settling into life, earning an income was also important. So, I started manifesting a job that would allow me to care for my baby while still working. Keep in mind, this was back in 2010, when working from home wasn't as common.

Eventually, I found a company that offered a perfect solution: they allowed me to come into the office while providing a room upstairs where I could keep my baby. It sounded like the ideal setup, and I eagerly joined. However, on my first day, I was shown to a dimly lit room with no sunlight—definitely not a suitable environment for my two-and-a-half-month-old newborn. Disheartened, I refused to stay and went back home.

Persistence Pays Off: How I Found My Work-Life Balance

I refused to give up on my dreams. I kept visualizing a job that would allow me to work from home while simultaneously caring for my child. Every morning, I would wake up and, while looking at my palms, express my gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Durga Ma, for the wonderful job that allows me to earn well while taking care of my baby." I repeated this prayer day after day, often during the auspicious time known as Brahmamuhurta - an hour and a half before sunrise, which is considered ideal for meditation and self-reflection in Hindu philosophy.

After nearly six months of persistence, when my child was almost a year old, I received a call from a small company with a rather unusual name that made us skeptical about their reliability. Nevertheless, I decided to explore the opportunity. To my delight, it turned out to be a German company seeking an SEO Expert for a work-from-home position!

They only required me to visit the office once or twice a week. It was the perfect solution for me. I am incredibly grateful for the power of manifestation, Durga Ma's blessings, and this wonderful company that helped me find my dream job, allowing me to maintain the work-life balance I so desired. I happily worked there for nearly a decade.

Deepened Belief in Power of Manifestation and Visualization

This experience deepened my belief in the power of manifestation. Since then, I've adopted several techniques that have proven effective for me.

  • Each morning during Brahmamuhurta, I express my desires by speaking them into my palms in the present tense.

  • I also write a Sanskrit shloka in my journal, followed by my wishes stated as if they are already true.

  • Additionally, I visualize my goals before bed and whisper them to my pillow. One powerful Sanskrit shloka I use is:

ॐ कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय हरये परमात्मने प्रणतः क्लेशनाशाय गोविंदाय नमो नमः

“Om Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye Paramatmane, Pranata: Kleshanashaya Govindaya Namo Nama.”

This chant is dedicated to Lord Krishna, serving as a way to honor him as the remover of sufferings and the Supreme Soul. I hope my efforts to spark your interest in manifestation inspire you to explore this powerful practice and help you progress in life.

Best Regards

#manifestation #life #lawofattraction #thinkpositive #happiness #gratitude

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