How to Identify and Avoid Common Phone Scammers - Simple & Easy Trick From My personal experience

Hey All,

Don't get SCAMMED and how to identify and avoid Phone scammers is going to be todays main topic. This is my personal experience that I am going to share and I think the simple trick that I applied really worked to identify these phone scammers or as matter of fact tele marketing personnel's trying to sell their stuff.



According to a report from Aarp - Alone in America there was a loss of Breaking $8.8 Billion to Scams in 2022 and this number continues to rise each year as fraudsters becomes more innovative in luring people into their tricks. The report indicated that there was 2.4 million scam reports submitted last year, impostor scams were the most common ones. So as to be clear - what is an Imposter Scam - it caters to an imposter scammer who call, text, or email to convince you they are someone in authority. But they aren't and are just hiding their identity. The same happened with me when I started to get 10 calls daily by these imposter scammers telling me to renew the policy.


Recently, I did a post around the importance to have a health insurance plan for your family apart from the insurance plans that we get from our employer. Should Health Insurance ALWAYS Be a Part of your Financial Planning? - check the post Here - So how did I deal with them a simple trick and I think it was helpful to an an extent not to get into conversation with them and avoid/block their numbers. But then how many incoming numbers you can block - calls keep coming from different new numbers and you dont know who is calling. So ideally the Truecaller Id App was helpless here.

Verify Your Indentity - I asked THEM...


I adopted this method and asked them to verify their identity. Normally, when we try to reach out for bank services or any other service we are asked to identify our identity. And I did the same here and I told the person who was asking me about my health insurance policy and to renew it and giving me various options etc etc - I simply told him can you verify your identity that you are calling from the same organization that you are referring to and speaking on their behalf. If Yes then please send me a mail from your organization mail ID and then we can discuss further. And believe me as soon as I said so the person disconnected the phone and did not have anything to say further. Hence sometimes simple tricks like these can help you from being scammed. Never rush and avoid giving your Personally Identifiable Information - PII data to anyone. Nothing is for FREE out there, everything comes for a cost and before you decide to share your PII data ensure to verify the identity of the person you are speaking too. This is definitely going to help you from all the tricks and tantrums of these bad guys out there in the WILD... Be safe out there... cheers

Have Your Say on these - Phone Scammers...

Do you receive scam calls? Have you fallen prey to these scammers? What do you do or follow to avoid and be safe from these bad guys all over the world? Let me know your thoughts in the comment box below... cheers

How to Identify and Avoid Common Phone Scammers...

#scam #phonescam #phish #fraud #scammers #onlinefraud #pii #identity


Best Regards

Image Credits::, hdfc ergo,

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