ATOM/stATOM Pool on Osmosis App with Decent Returns & My Strategy Ahead...

Hey All,

I continue to leverage liquid staking via the Stride Platform which is also known as The Liquid Staking Zone. Initially, I started with staking 50+ $ATOM and this got the same amount of stATOM and then went on to these stATOM further to enter the defi space by providing liquidity for $ATOM - stATOM on Frontier.Osmosis.Zone pool #803. Here is the snapshot of my pool balance and earnings daily.


At the moment the Liquidity Pool #803 on Osmosis App is again touching the 13+ Million mark. And when I entered the LP ATOM/stATOM at that point in time the liquidity pool was worth 10+ Mil. This is the pool where my 70% of investment on Osmosis is parked i.e. close to $900+. But unfortunately this has come down due to the entire crypto market crash to $700+ now.


The other added advantage of entering this pool is that it is giving out $STRD tokens for providing liquidity. And every third day of the staking rewards received, I am swapping my $STRD tokens with $EVMOS at the moment. As I am building my another pool value for $EVMOS -$stEVMOS. Here is the current status value of my investment into this pool #922


I started with initial invest of $100 and now this has grown to almost double now. So what exactly, I am doing is taking my $EVMOS staking rewards and the $STRD rewards are all being directed into this pool. I'll continue to invest in this Pool until I reach the invest value to $500. And then would change my strategy back to building the #ATOM -$stATOM pool. At that point in time the plan is n to swap $STRD and $EVMOS for $ATOM and park all the funds in pool #803. And in between if $STRD trades above $0.50+ then I would need to rethink and use these funds for buying other crypto assets... cheers

ATOM/stATOM Pool on Osmosis App with Decent Returns & My Strategy Ahead

Have Your Say on Liquidity Pool Atom/stAtom

Did you explore the Osmosis Zone Pool 803 for Atom/stAtom? What are your thoughts on Liquid Staking on Stride Platform? Let me know your thoughts on the comment box below?

#strd #rewards #stake #statom #defi #staking #atom

ATOM/stATOM Pool on Osmosis App & My Strategy Ahead...


Best Regards

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