Principle #7 Who Has Your Money
In Wealth Principle #7, I talk about Who Has Your Money. Wealth is crazy, real estate is nuts, it has a rule, it has a principle out there that will drive you crazy and will take money from you if you don't pay attention and it will bring money to you in abundance if you focus on that one principle of Who Has Your Money.

Who has your money is a wealth principle that you have to understand, you have to grasp, it's in the early parts of the wealth principles and it is literally number seven for a reason because if you don't understand who has your money, you aren't going to have a lot of money.

People will always attract people that make them feel comfortable and special and if you're hanging out with broke people, definitely they're hanging out with broker people because somebody who makes more money makes them feel insignificant. The people who didn't believe you at first, will one day see who you're, they will one day see what you're capable of but the only way to prove them right and wrong, whatever it is, is the only way to increase your income is to identify who has your money.

How to Find Who Has Your Money

If I'm looking to build 100 millionaires that I can only talk to, spend time with and build with, 100 people who also want that. The key to building millionaires, to attract people that have money is you must go out and seek people in a polarizing manner, who want what you want them to have. I have sold a hundred thousand dollar products, I have sold three hundred thousand dollar products, I have sold real estate, million-dollar products. That person I sold to wanted to give me that equity far more than they wanted to hold on to it.

We make money off their equity because it is our equity, it's really ours' they been just holding it for a while. Who has my money is something that has to be in your head all the time when I'm building a multi-million dollar business, in fact, we're building a billion-dollar business right now called South Coast Investment which is a billion-dollar REIT in the making and as we build this, I no longer have time or spend time with people who don't have the passion, the mission, the desire to be part of a billion-dollar company.

There are a handful of people who have that desire as well and those are people that have to be attracted to the company, those are the people who we must spend time with but there are also people who need that little extra push, extra kick to get to that level. Those are the people who have my money and I'm aware of them.

Who has your money comes from a place of clarity, if you don't know where you're going, or what you want to create in this world, you can't collect money from other people. Before I was able to offer South Coast Investments as an offering, I had to be clear of what I was going to give away, what I was going to create for other people. I'd be very clear about our mission, our purpose, and why we'd be successful.

Let's Do An Exercise

Step 1. I want you to write down the product that you sell

Step 2. I want you to answer this question, "have you bought this product from someone else?"

Have you made this investment yourself?

If you haven't, go and pay somebody who is better than you, charges more than and has a bigger influence than you to provide your product to you.

What This Will Do For You
  1. You're going to learn how to do it better.

  2. If you do it better, you're going to gain a lot of confidence in your pricing.

  3. You're going to hire a coach

  4. You're going to see the other types of people who go into that establishment, the other types of clients, who else comes in here, you're going to find who has your money.

Step 3. I want you to write down somebody in your community or industry or in your field that you could go to and buy their product.

As you get wealthier, you want more advisors, the rich and wealthy surround themselves with advisors because those people have our money, those people connect us with the people who're going to do the deal with us. So with this exercise, the important thing is to recognize those people that you think have your money.

If they haven't given it to you either you're not letting them know about your product or your desire for their cash. Who has your money comes from a very clear desire to go and identify money in your life, you must become best friends with them, you must be willing to have relationships with people who have money.

Book Of The Week

“If Your Not First, Your Last” By “Grant Cardone”

Join My Mission To Build 100 Millionaires!

As many of you know, I built my wealth through Real Estate and only now learning more about cryptocurrencies. I've found Leofinance to be a great place to share my insights and although I don't claim to be an expert in Crypto, I am considered a leading expert in small multi-family investing.

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Each week I share my hard-earned insights on wealth building with anyone who will listen! I call this journey through the 52 wealth principles "The 52 Weeks To Wealth".

To join my mission and get access to over 30+ Real Estate & Wealth Building Courses for FREE at

Thank You To This Community!

I provide these insights as a way to give back and help others who find themselves on the same journey I was when I got started. I want to say thank you to the Leofinance community for giving me the opportunity to learn more about Crypto as well as to the creators and team for providing many great avenues for investors to grow their wealth and knowledge in one easy place.

Cheers to our success!

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