Preventive Measures against Cyber Attack

Good preventive measures against cyber attacks is very important because every second cyber criminals are coming up with different ways of breaking into organisation security. They are use different mean to attack people and organisations and some of the attacks identified over the years are identity theft, malware attacks, denial of service, password sniffing etc.

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Now let us look at some of the preventive measures that are

  1. Strong authentication system: For instance, we have automated cars and there is a need to guide against unauthorized control and access to the electric vehicle supply equipment which can be achieved by ensuring a strong authentication system. Good access control can also be achieved by a good authentication system, organizations databases, platforms must enforce good access control, and the level of rights and restrictions must be well defined to all their employees. Any multiple attempts that go beyond one restriction need to be questioned. Password security need to be strong and also good education against password compromise need to be well understood by the employees to avoid any form of security breach or attacks. So strong authentication is one of the preventive measures.
  2. Good education: Education is one of the powerful ways of fighting against cybercrime. It is very necessary to invest in educating the people about cyber-attack, crimes that and other illegal activities that one can use the computer to carry out or that can take place in cyberspace. Proper awareness is needed to ensure that society is aware of what to do to prevent themselves from cyber attacks.
  3. Good and harmonized law: Some cyber terrorists cannot be educated, the only way to handle them is to enact good laws and harmonize the already existing international laws. The national law enforcement agencies of different countries need to cooperate when it comes to fighting against cybercrime.
  4. Installation of Anti-Malware software: Antivirus Software, Malware scanners and firewalls are highly necessary when it's come to cyber-attack prevention, it is very important for every organization that operates in cyberspace to cyber criminals put this aspect of security into consideration and also carry out regular updates to these antivirus, malware scanner to handle latest malware software that is released daily. Among all the types of attack, insider attack is very dangerous but this type of attack can be reduced by monitoring the network traffic and installation of a firewall.

These are just four out of the preventive measures that can be taken to protect oneself, organisations and the society at larger from cyber attacks.

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