Saturday Savers Club / week 7 - Moving forward smoothly

Hello dear savers!

We continue with this challenge, this is my progress report number 7, in a week that passed without major setback, something I can not say about this week that begins, and although I can not predict the future, I have no active publications that allow me to receive rewards to cover the necessary in this challenge.

Image taken from @eddie-earner publication and edited in Paint

As I feared, at some point our "real life" or "terra firma" was going to intervene to unbalance our challenge a little, so this week I was forced to touch some of the rewards obtained to meet some specific needs, but calmly we do not despair and remain focused, I hope that by next weekend we will be telling a better story.

I must say that this is something I saw coming, but the positive in this is that we have managed to sustain the pace of this challenge for just over 60 days, we are starting the third month of the year and we remain consistent which is a victory for me, then I must say that if "terra firma" messed up, then it must fix it.

On the other hand it is very satisfying to be walking this path and to have made it this far, so now I share with you the summary of this week's challenge and the progress made.

Weekly report...

One of the highlights of this weekly report was the increase in the rewards received, which made meeting the objectives this week without major setbacks. Since I started this challenge, these have been the most rewards received in a week 16. 96 HP and 6.97 HBD this according to HiveStats figures.


Progress towards my secondary goal is progressing nicely and I have already managed to accumulate about 400 HP, which brings me closer and closer to my goal of 600 HP and this has me very excited, I think that depending on the work I do I will reach this goal before the end of the year.


On the way to my main objective as I already mentioned we are advancing according to what the challenge establishes, we do not want to overtake you, but we do not want to be left behind either, so in relation to this objective we are close to 25 HBD and advancing satisfactorily so far.


Daily and weekly control...


With this week's progress we have reached almost 70 days of continuous challenge, some times with more difficulties than others to accomplish, however, I remain focused and I will not give up on my purpose of reaching the end.

Control semanal.png

In the weekly control image we can see that we have reached the number 10 emana, and that according to this milestone our savings portfolio stands at 24.15 HBD, however there is a small difference in my favor by the interest earned, which now are few but surely will increase as the amount rises, as a good friend says "The Power of compound interest" something I am discovering through this experience.

Weekly Progress Summary

HIVE POWER333.19960017.262395.78910.43%

Ok friends this is what this week of work yielded, in this summary I share my progress to achieve the goals set for this 2024, the year has just begun but the spirit and commitment remain intact, eager to see these achievements realized at the end of the year.

Although the road may be difficult, we are determined to continue because as I always say.... We are going for more!

Banner taken from the original publication by @eddie-earner

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