I'll Be Your Huckleberry

It's my last weekend baking at the theme park! And of course I got to do a massive amount of extra baking, because you know, why not?!

Not that I am complaining mind you, I'm always excited when the Labor Day car show event arrives at Silverwood, because that means the regular season's at an end. Also, it means cinnamon rolls and muffins, so many cinnamon rolls and muffins (We make them for the car show people).

Now, normally we do blueberry muffin tops every day, along with the cinnamon rolls, and place them in the pastry case out front for the guests to purchase. Blueberry muffins are a childhood favorite of the owner, so they are always on the menu. Usually, we include them in the car show breakfast bake up too, but there was a bit of a supply issue.

Our blueberry order didn't show up, but since the park always has huckleberries on hand in the freezer, we adapted and overcame. It was fun to mix things up too, literally and figuratively.

I was able to use the same muffin top recipe, but I tweaked it a little here and there to account for the extra moisture the huckleberries had. That and you have to be extra careful folding in huckleberries, unless you want everything to be super purple.

A little additional flour here, a good coating of the berries there, some careful folding, a bit of batter checking and stressing, and after a solid amount of bake time in our dying oven, I was blessed with some dandy looking muffin tops.

Being bakers who never want to serve anything substandard to our guests, we cracked one open and sacrificed ourselves in the name of quality control taste testing. Holy yum, those muffins turned out right nice.

A bit of white icing drizzling and powdered sugar dusting later, and I had several dozen muffins packed up in cake boxes for the first day's attendees.

Today, while I was helping the hubs and a bunch of his shooting team kids put the final touches on attaching the yurt's roof, I realized that I only have two days left in the bakery. Don't get me wrong, I am ready to close that chapter in my life, this summer was rough, but I truly love baking and am going to miss crafting such delectable comestibles on such a large scale.

That said, with me being me, there just might already be something of that scale in the works for me to work on. Yes, I am a bit of a nut, probably a hazelnut, but I am going to be somewhat kinder to myself as I continue baking and limit it to one or two days a week instead of killing my carcass to the tune of cookie-induced death.

And now, I'm off, there's a birthday party to attend. And no, I didn't bake the cake lol!

And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's never very huckleberry iPhone.

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