RC Delegations Just Freed Up Over 800 HP For Me

You must be tired of how many times I've talked about RC delegations recently, before and after the hardfork.

But this is a little optimization I've done for my accounts which freed up over 800 HP which I now use for voting (for example, on you, if you take the time to comment on my posts).

As soon as I found a tool that handled direct RC delegations (now there are many of them, including PeakD), I delegated the estimated necessary RCs to all the accounts that had any HP assigned to them and were only using RCs, not the voting power. Actually, I delegated more, to be sure I'll have enough and because I have plenty RCs.

Right after that, I started the undelegation process for all the HP assigned to these accounts. Today, these HP delegations returned to the mothership.

It's something like 835 HP. Not an impressive amount, but why waste it? I immediately delegated it to this account, from where I do my curation.


This should apply to you especially if you have dedicated accounts for gaming or renting out cards.

It may partially apply if you have accounts that are dedicated to tribes. If you only use those accounts to vote with one or more tribe stakes you have, and you do your HIVE curation from another account, then there is no need for these accounts to hold HP. Only RCs. Unless you specifically want to add a little HP curation with them too.

Likewise, if you have an account that only has Hive-Engine token holdings (of all kinds, from tribe tokens to NFTs, from income/dividend tokens to diesel pools), you don't need HP for that account. Only RCs for the custom JSONs. Same if you have tokens on the DLUX sidechain (i.e. DLUX, LARYNX, SPK, DUAT, etc.).

If you post with an account, you don't need HP. You need RCs. You need HP to vote. To curate, to vote for witnesses or DHF proposals. That's it. Of course, HP gives RCs too, but it's a waste to use it only for the RCs.

Now that the direct RC delegation is here, I'm wondering how soon will there be until we'll get some services that:

  • request HP delegations, return the equivalent RCs, and offer a small return (pure HP curation services)
  • request direct RC delegations and offer a return
  • request HP delegations and offer a significant return

The first type of service would be interesting for someone who needs (lots of) RCs, already has HP, but it's not interested in curating. The service will not have a high return but it could have a high influence on how the reward pool rewards are being distributed, thus this is something that will be carefully watched.

The second type of service is the one most people are waiting for because from a relatively low amount of HP upwards, RCs are in excess and people would love to get a return for what is in excess for them. On the other side, there are and will be many businesses requiring more and more RCs.

The third type of service would be a combination of the two above. As a consequence, the return should be significantly higher too.

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