My Hive Goals (Week 4, 2024)

This is a short sum-up table with the state of my goals in easier TLDR form. The table has only a general overview, with details expanded in the post.

Current State/Other Selection CriterionGoals Matching the Criterion
Ongoing5 (52-Week HBD Savings Challenge, Posting & Commenting Goal, Land Plots Unlocked, ZING Multiplier, LEO Staking)
Main Goals3 (52-Week HBD Savings Challenge, Posting & Commenting Goal, Land Plots Unlocked)
Goals2 (ZING Multiplier, LEO Staking)
Main Goals Completed0
Completed Goals0


I include a link to the initial goal-setting post for 2024, for reference, if needed.

52-Week HBD Savings Challenge

A 52-week challenge following the popular model starts slowly and becomes increasingly more difficult with every passing week. The challenge is not at the beginning but at the end. That's why, we can use the easy start to prepare for the tougher weeks ahead.

In my case, I started with 1 HBD in week 1. This is also the step with which the amount that needs to be saved increases every week. The rule is, in my case: I need to add to savings the amount of HBD per week equal to the week number in the challenge. That means, in week 52 I'll need to save 52 HBD.

We are in the 5th week of the 52-week HBD challenge. That means I added 5 HBD to the savings for this particular goal, and reached 15 HBD, without counting the accrued interest.

Here's how things look right now:

Another week when I managed to keep this challenge going without using any HBD reserves. And with it, the month of January is gone. This goal will only become more interesting later on, probably as soon as March-April.

Posting & Commenting Goal

I haven't missed a daily post this year yet. Reached 1683 posts published, with 322 left to hit the target in 2024. That puts the progress at 8% where 7.69% was needed to be in the green.

Here's the situation so far:

I haven't missed any edition of Week through Adrian's Lenses in 2024 either, and I mention this since it's also part of my posting goal. Overall, I reached the 55th edition of the weekly roundup started at the beginning of 2023.

I started the week with 17,319 comments made. Ended the week with 17413, which means I made 94 comments last week, a little below the weekly average needed to reach the comments target by the end of the year. Time to have a week above the average, to make up for the weaker weeks on this front. Maybe not this week, because it's a complicated one in real life, but we will see. Still a long year ahead.

I currently need an average of 96 comments weekly to reach the comments target by the end of the year.

Land Plots Unlocked

Another significant progress in unlocking land plots this week, better using freed up DEC too.

Started the week with 32 plots unlocked and productive and 8 under construction. I currently have 35 productive plots and 9 under construction, again, 4 more than last week.

For the accounting part of this goal, I'll add plots under construction as unlocked, to better see changes from week to week, even though, technically, they are not productive until the clearing part is finished and you feed the workers.

Here's the current situation:

And a more detailed view:

Productive Plots: 35
Under Construction: 9

A few worksites will be completed this week, which will increase the number of productive plots.

I admit I didn't expect at the beginning of the year for this goal to go so well, so fast. I'm having some issues with it too. I'm running low on suitable cards for canyon plots with lower than 10k energy requirements. At some point, I'll have to use them too, but then, the speed of progress in unlocking new plots will slow down significantly.

ZING Multiplier

I started the week with 15,132 ZING (or ZING-worth tokens - I calculate the SWAP.HIVE part of the diesel pool here).

My ZING holdings are now at 16,617, better than the previous week.

Anyway, for this goal I am currently focusing exclusively on staked ZING since my goal is related to the number of ZING and I even have been progressively withdrawing a significant portion of my diesel pool position, knowing the current rewards will end shortly and future rewards will be lower. Plus, I expect the price of ZING to increase, at least temporarily until the launch, and that works against my goal if I have ZING in the diesel pool, despite the higher APR.

Here's the current situation:

LEO Staked

I forgot to stake a little more LEO to get to a round number of staked LEO after last week's LeoAds LP distribution. What I did instead was to put LEO in the SWAP.HIVE-LEO diesel pool, for the time being. It doesn't have rewards, but it has decent fees. They don't compare with the curation + ad revenue rewards, not even close, but LEO is liquid, and I might use it to move to BSC or Polygon at some point during this bull market.

Here's the current situation:

The total staked LEO remains at 22,884. Unless I remember to round up this amount to 22900, my next expected power-up will be LPUD.

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