2+1 Tips for Cub and Defi Beginners

This post is going to be short, but hopefully sweet.

Yesterday I needed the Masterchef contract address for Cub Kingdoms, because it's different than the one for the rest of CubFinance.

In case you're wondering what that is, is that long string of characters you enter in https://howmuchismylp.com/ to receive the dollar worth of your LP investments.

I suppose I could have asked in discord and somebody would have given it to me, I'm sure. But I wanted to find it myself, and in the process to learn to navigate through bscscan and find what I am interested in.

If you just want to Masterchef address for Cub Kingdoms, so you can fill it in the little tool that shows you the dollar valuation, I'll spare you of the details, here it is:

MasterChef Contract - Cub Kingdoms:


For your convenience, here's the Masterchef contract for Cub:

How did I get to the Masterchef contract address for Kingdoms? This may not be very easy to understand by non-technical people.

Well, I read some posts, watched some videos. They helped... somewhat.

In the end, I just followed this path:

  1. Went to the Docs -> Security -> Contracts
  2. Loaded the Cub token contract in a new page
  3. From BSCScan page that loads, clicked on the Contract Creator link
  4. I checked the transactions until I found a recent one where the creator interacts with a contract
  5. Clicked the contract it interacted with, and if I went to the Contract tab and it said 'CubMaximiserPCS_v2', sounded like I was on the right track
  6. Now I needed its Masterchef contract address (that's a fancy name for the main smart contract in charge of making everything happen on the backend)
  7. Clicked on "Read Contract". Scrolled down to owner, clicked on that link, and there we go. What loads is the Masterchef contract for Cub Kingdoms.
  8. If you go to Contract tab and then Read Contract, you'll see the name of the contract is 'Kingdom'.

By the way, if you know a simpler way to do it, please share, I'm all ears (and especially eyes)! :)

Of course, I suppose at some point this contract address will make its way into the documentation of CubFinance, so it will be easier to find by those who don't like these geeky adventures.

As I researched for this matter, I discovered there is a fork of https://howmuchismylp.com/ created by @emrebeyler, who included Cub as an option in the dropdown, selected by default. It would be nice if he upgrades his app to include Cub Kingdoms as well.


Here's the link to it:

And my last tip is something I started to use recently since I started to spread my wings into the defi space, even if only with play money outside CubFinance. I am talking about a defi aggregator.

Once you start to put funds on more platforms and on more blockchains, it becomes more difficult to track them. Especially if you use tiny amounts in various farms, you can easily forget about them.

So a defi aggregator is very useful. I started using Zapper, and it immediately made my life easier.

It understands BSC, Polygon (Matic) and two other networks I haven't heard of: Optimism and Fantom. On the dashboard you can see what you have in your wallets (with dollar valuation), staked or unharvested. For some platforms, you have them listed separately. If there is a apply to it, it would be nice to have CubFinance show up here. You also can check by network.

I haven't tested it like that, but it also has exchange options, a bridge and pooling.

That's about it for today. I hope you'll find it useful.

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