Holiday day 9: work related thoughts!

Normally a holiday should at least kast 2 weeks. Not that you have to be away for 2 weeks. Why 2 weeks? It takes around 1 week to forget about work. So the second week can be used to recharge tour batteries.
But this won’t be the case this time.

To many work related thoughts running through my head. Looks like they are running in circles and don’t know where the exit is.

I decided a few weeks ago that it is time to say goodbye to my current employer, which is still my first employer. I am working for them non stop since the 1st of August 1999. As a senior consultant I do know that some extra tasks are expected of me. But things have happened which did take away the motivation for these extra hours per week. Combine that with the fact that I do have the feeling that regardless what I do it is never good enough for my direct manager and you do have the beginning of a toxic work environment.
It is hard to get that out of my head.

So the week before our holiday I had some chats with another consultancy firm and it is expected that I will get a job offering when I am back from my holiday. Also on an almost daily basis I do get emails about job opportunities. These aren’t notifications but real people who do contact me.

So a lot of thinking is ongoing. Probably this is an easier proces for someone who does switch jobs on a more regular basis.

The biggest question is of course what to do. As a loyal person it isn’t easy to say goodbye to my customer where I do already work for 15 years. They will probably also make me an offer but that can’t match a salary and the benefits from a consultancy firm.

While in my mind I am almost sure that I will say goodbye to the employer and while I am confident that this is the smartest decision it still isn’t easy to pull the trigger.

While this all doesn’t hold me back to enjoy our holiday, it is something which I do want to have behind me. Also need to clear some tax related issues. No idea what the impact will be when I do switch jobs in different countries.


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