My Views on SPS and Initiative for new Splinterlands players.... Gold Foil Card Delegation (Closed)....

Hello all @splinterlands lovers...

I have seen many new players joined the #splinterlands and struggle for Power and they are not able to go in high leagues. After the change in reward systems the lower leagues attract less cards and no DEC and more credits.
I love to help the new players so starting a initiative to help the players with card Delegation.
I will draw one player for delegation.

#SPS price is still fluctuating. In my opinion don't underestimate the the real value of the SPS token. We can get some clue from the tweet by @splinterlands official account. It clearly says that the in long term the SPS has much more useable aspect.

If you have any doubt check the price of DEC token last year. Initially the DEC was used to purchase the cards and packs form the shop section. Their was a time the price was as low as $0.0004. At present the price is 2585.1% increased from the all time low.


I am not saying the price will stay at current price for forever but the huge pump makes a much more sense. The Splinterlands team is so dynamic they always have something special for future. When I joined the game two and half year ago I was thinking that I have joined very late but the development team proof me wrong and if you are also a new player and thinking that its too late then you should read the above tweet again. They have many thig in plan including the DAO, Oracles, Lands....

But still I will advice to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH....

How to participate

The Delegation will be for one week.
Check the below cards available for delegation and comment the card you want for delegation.
Please tag any friend and reblog the post for support (not mandatory).



Unlike most queen bees, Nectar Queens like to get out of the nest and get their Proboscis dirty. Fortunately, you can hear one coming long before it reaches you. Unfortunately, they have a real taste for blood.

Card belongs to the Earth splinter. The card will add 500 Power and current price on market is $48. Card has good melee attack (4 attack), 3 speed and Flying ability at level 3. Its required high mana cost (9 mana) to summon.



The Order of the Silver Shield paid multiple fortunes to hire Centaur Bowmen to train their Archers. The expense was worth it, for the Archers of the Silver Shield are second in accuracy and precision only to the Centauri themselves. They always carry a backup crossbow in their concealed ankle holsters.

Card belongs to the Life splinter. The card will add 750 Power and current price on market is $45. Card has 1 ranged attack , 3 speed and Sneak ability at level 4. Its required only 2 mana to summon.



Card belongs to the Life splinter. The card will add 750 Power and current price on market is $36. Card has 1 melee attack , 3 speed and Strengthen ability at level 4. Its required only 3 mana to summon.



Card belongs to the Neutral splinter. The card will add 750 Power and current price on market is aprox $69. Card has 4 melee attack , 3 speed and Piercing ability at level 4. Its required 10 mana to summon.



Card belongs to the death splinter. The card will add 750 Power and current price on market is aprox $40. Card has 2 melee attack , 3 speed and Double Strike ability at level 4. Its required 6 mana to summon.



Card belongs to the death splinter. The card will add 500 Power and current price on market is aprox $23. Card has 5 melee attack , 3 speed at level 3. Its required 9 mana to summon.

Their is another special card for delegation if you join the from below referral link...


Card belongs to the Dragon splinter. The card will add 2500 Power and current price on market is aprox $98. Card has 3 melee attack , 2 speed and Thorns ability at level 2. Its required 8 mana to summon.
My noise cash ID is
Will promote the giveaway on noise also.. if you are already on noise show some support their...


So we have our first winner...... So the winner is

Many congratulation to winner....

A heartily thanks to all participants.
Don't forget to participate in giveaway again.

Tagging @oneyonef @assasin @oadissin @yeckingo1 @dlmmqb @tokutaro22 @lokywolf2295 @myanmarkoko @christina-madart @bernardinetti
If you don't like the tagging just leave a comment, I will remove your name.

Me and my wife @mk992039 will try to run the giveaway. My main account is @guurry123 Thanks for stopping by my post.

Don't forget to check below awesome projects also.



Thanks for stopping by..


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