I am restarting again.

I am not new to ReadCash and NoiseCash. Still, I have decided to create a new ReadCash account because I will only use my previous ReadCash account for cryptocurrencies. I will be using my second account to post about everything else I may think of without a particular topic.


I must add that I won't be adding new content to my old accounts that often either, not because there is not plenty to write about cryptocurrencies and especially Bitcoin Cash, but because I wish to try new things. My old account used to be about Bitcoin Cash 95% of the time, but after a certain point, you feel like you have written all there is, and your mind goes dry. I will write again about cryptocurrencies once I think I have something new to write, something that I have not posted previously.

I won't promise a new article every day with this account because I am taking it easy this time. I want to make sure I write the topics I feel like writing about, and hopefully, my thoughts will spin others to write about their world and how they see it so that together we can have a better world.

I don't think I will be writing personal stuff either because I don't want to have my personal life known by the internet, not because I may have something to hide but because staying private is an excellent way to have peace of mind. Now I will be writing about my opinion on topics that others may find not that attractive, but I guess that is the beauty of freedom of speech.

I hope that what I write may empower you to have a better life, and I also hope that what I write brings more value to the reader than just simple words but a new perspective on everyday observations on where we could all improve. And a great deal will also be if my message reaches you not just with empowerment but also brings you entertainment to your life.

I am writing from the US if that is of any importance. I believe that all human rights start with having an open conversation about the topics that affect us all, not just in real life but more and more about our digital lives when we visit the internet. That previous statement means that what I write is how I see the world in my real world, and I will express what I feel from a perspective that what I write may affect us all. I am saying that when I write, both digital and real worlds come together to form a better society.

Original content from ReadCash and written by francis105d2

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