Do Freedom of speech and trading have a relationship in the open market?

What may freedom of speech have in relationship with trading? That is the question I was asking myself before writing this article. I must declare that I am a firm believer that freedom of speech is one of the most important rights a human can have aside from the right to live. When I say trading, I must also clarify that I am referring to all assets that can be traded on any open market in any country because when it comes to exchanging value, trading is a universal thing. At least, that is what I believe.


Freedom of speech is a human's right to speak their mind about a topic or subject without fear of retaliation from any third party. That is the definition I have when it comes to freedom of speech.

If that is the definition, I must add that this article is essentially an exercise of that right, but also, spreading information is an exercise of that right. The only difference is that instead of being me going, the data is another person or groups of people. In many cases, those groups are television shows, radio shows, and even other writers on other social media websites. The point is information is distributed to the masses, and those listenings have the right to do whatever they want to do with the message; by that, I mean to use it or discard it.

Suppose you don't have the right set of information. In that case, you can't trade because you are missing information that may or may not be necessary for trading. Since you are putting your financial life on the line, you must have the most up-to-date information to assist you in deciding to trade any asset you wish to acquire or exchange. Still, more and more, the flow of information is being restrictive.

I am not new to trading, and I have noticed that over the years, social media and other social platforms will try to censor users from spreading certain kinds of information because that information may negatively affect an asset. That censorship is not just coming from government agencies, but sometimes it is just regular individuals working on behalf of governments. Sometimes even developers of a specific project engage in censorship because they don't want lousy information to leak out. After all, it may affect the price of the product they sell.

If you are buying an asset and can't have the complete picture, you can't make the best investment decision, regardless of the market you are participating. And I have noticed more and more incidents in the cryptocurrency world, but of course, that also happens in other markets. The truth is there is a conspiracy to get your hard earn money once you have it by any means necessary, that is just the market for you, and it is an everyday thing, as far as I am aware.

So please, when it comes to your money, make sure you do your research and study hard whatever you are putting your money into, and make sure that you only invest once you are sure of what you are doing. By that, I mean you have to study for at least three months what you are about to invest in, and if you notice only positive opinions and outright bans when you start digging for more, please stay away from those projects.

I firmly believe that if your product is so good, the small bad things you may have, you should own them and make them public so that others can't attack your project and instead be used as an advantage. Knowing what is wrong with the project you are invested in is better than trying to censor those trying to figure out if your project is worth it.

I am writing this article because, in the past, I have been censored by projects that don't like when you start asking questions and those questions lead to the issue such projects may have already or may encounter in the future. I have learned that those projects that hide their weak points are the same and that, in the end, they will go nowhere and be failed projects.

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