Hive on Up - 1 November approaches

Thanks to @doze for the Thunder Hive on which this graphic is built

I do not want the last couple of months again. They have flown by, helped along by tragedy and The Husband's surgeries that included a brush with that other big C. He's on very much on the recovery road. My friend, of course, mourns. Her journey is a longer one.

Anyhow, I am digressing. As usual. The point, however, is that Hive Power Up Day is approaching. Rapidly. You will find @traciyork's post with all the details here.

Now I look back at my #HivePud post, and when I checked my delegations for the last month, I see that I made a big booboo. Some of it thanks to all the forkiness on the blockchain but probably more a reflection of my state (not) of mind.

I'm sorry: I forked up!

An apology to @dayerlis who didn't receive the delegation I promised - and which I announced. It's done, now, and will be yours for 21 days from today. Here's proof:


Speaking of that post, I shared some thoughts on powering up and how folk might feel about the hype and getting involved - or not. My sentiments haven't changed, so while it's fun and a good way to start paying attention, like virtually everything on Hive, it's not compulsory.

My contribution to #HivePUD and #HPUD

I have, for the past few months, delegated Hive to little fish that participate in the monthly initiative. I began with two 50HP delegations and when my account reached 2k, I upped them to 100HP and added a third recipient. This is how it will stay for a while. So there will be another three this month.

New friends

I hope that the little loans to @chocolatscorpi and @learning-tarot have helped a little. Just so that you know, I'll remove them during the course of next week. That said, I've enjoyed meeting you both and look forward to our continued conversations!

Criteria for delegations

As I keep on saying, I will again be delegating to three qualifying accounts that power up on November the first. I don't select them, that's done in consultation with @traciyork and @victoriabsb. To be as impartial as possible. This month, I've added a fourth criterion which, for those who read the post I keep on banging about, should come as no surprise.

The criteria for qualifying accounts are as follows:

  1. less than 6 months old
  2. less than 59 rep
  3. less than 200 HP before powering up on 1 November 2020
  4. must have at least two qualifying posts since 1 October 2020.
    Posts that qualify must have 200 words or more and exclude posts for Power Up Day, and Actifit.


Why, I hear you asking? Because Hive is a social blockchain: it's for socialising, ruminating and just generally hanging out. Call me a silly old fashioned woman, but I really would like to connect with the people behind the accounts that will be getting one of my 100% upvotes (daily - if you post that often). And, if I'm around - I have 3D commitments (like sleep and being a people) that take me offline - a lot - a read and perhaps a comment and reblog.

Power on Up

Unlike this month, when my great friend @nickyhavey (thank you again) powered up for me, I will be powering up - probably the smallest amount - for reasons I'm not labouring repeating. I might just garner one of the little rewards from @hivebuzz. I do love those little bees...

But then again, perhaps not. It doesn't matter, I'll still most definitely be seeing you on 1 November when I power up!

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

Post Script

Looking for that gift for someone who has everything? Shop with Pearli in my evolving Redbubble shop -

And then there's more:

  • If this post might seem familiar, it's because I'm doing two things:
    • re-vamping old recipes. As I do this, I plan to add them in a file format that you can download and print. If you download recipes, buy me a coffee. Or better yet, a glass of wine....?
    • and "re-capturing" nearly two years' worth of posts because of this.
  • If you’re interested in a soft entry into the world of crypto currency and monetising your self-hosted WordPress blog, use the fantastic plugin to post directly to the Hive blockchain. Click on the image below to sign up -

Image: @traciyork
  • I also share my occasional Instagram posts to the crypto blockchain using the new, and really nifty phone app, Dapplr. On your phone, click the icon below, and give it a go.

In yet another aspect of my life, I offer -

English writing, research and online tutoring services

writing - emails and reports, academic and white papers
formal grammar, spelling and punctuation
more information here

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