Different month, same stuff - Hive Power Up Day, February 2021

Pud 1 Feb 2021.png

It's surreal that we have reached the second month of the year. As I mentioned when I powered up on January 1st, we are in level 3 lockdown; gatherings are prohibited and alcohol sales are banned. Our social interaction is restricted to our "outing" at the market or shopping. The last, I avoid like the plague...ha! You see what I did?

Our local is closed. Pixie's life has lost its shape and she's lost her livelihood and her business partners are probably having second thoughts about the investment. Another friend, who after a long wait, eventually opened her cocktail lounge, mid-last year, has closed it. For good.

Thank you Covid-19.

Having to stay at home, although not unusual, is beginning to do my head in. It's not about going to the pub to have alchohol a drink. It's about connecting with people - especially since we're not supposed to do it at home, either. We have not been able to do any of this for more than a month, and unless something happens, we have at least another two weeks to go.

It's summer. We should be basking in long balmy evenings enjoying sundowners.

20210103_201808.jpgThis was an evening in late December where we had a skelm sneaky get together when my sister from another mister was visiting

Autumn, here, is the best season. We were robbed of it last year. I don't want to miss it again.

I'm labouring the point simply because nothing has happened this month to make one day week any different from the other. Other than the weather, January could have been July 2020.

All of that said, I have had some good stuff happen this month, but before I get to that, and as usual -

Why we Power Up on the first of each month

Essentially, we ask folk to power up because we want to retain and build Hive as an asset and as a crypto currency. So, from @traciyork who quotes @streetstyle, the brain behind the original power up day -

On the first day of the month...
• ...we ask that everyone who can do so, power up any amount of HIVE they are holding on the first of the month.
• ... we ask accounts that are currently powering down to please pause the powerdown during the hours of the first of the month.
• ... we ask that those who are trading and/or selling Hive, not to do so during the hours of the first of the month (and if possible, cancel any type of sell order on any exchanges for the same hours).

To qualify for prizes

Your reputation must be above 39 and below 70.
Your total Hive Power (before the 1st) must be more than 100 and less than 8000.
You must power up at least 10 Hive on December 1st.
You must write a post about your power up on December 1st with the tag #HivePUD (International) or #HPUD (Spanish).

Powering up - and then some

In addition to powering up, I will be continuing with my delegation of 300 HP to three deserving accounts which is set out here. If fewer than three accounts meet the criteria, the delegation will be allocated either to a curation initiative or to accounts (randomly selected) from communities that @acidyo has identified as part of @ocd's community incubation program.

Over the last month, I have managed to squirrel away just enough HP to qualify for @hivebuzz's littlest bee badge. I'm happy with that.

Before powering up:


After powering up


As I was powering up, I notice this:


I heard rumblings that earlier today the HBD was more than USD2 which bodes really well. So, those who bought Hive today, have really scored. I admit, it's tempting, but I am still erring on the side of ccaution as I navigate a few things in my 3D life.

Every little helps

Things are looking up for me on the work front: I am in the process joining an exciting and dynamic team of women working on interesting projects and playing to my strengths - and theirs. I've alread worked (and been paid) for half a month with them. I'll explain once the murk clears, and because I'd rather not jinx things, I'm keeping my HBD liquid.


Firstly, thank you to the brains behind this monthly initiative, ably driven by @traciyork, @victoriabsb, @hivebuzz for their ongoing support, and to the other sponsors who help to make #HivePUD the successful initiative it is.

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

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