What is PBN? | PBN Series Part 1


In yesterday's post, I provided a short summary of PBN (private blogging network). Today I am gonna share more information about private blogging network. So after reading the full form, you can understand that this is a personal blog network. Now you should have a question about why someone needs a blogging network and what is the usage of this. So let me conclude. PBN is useful for creating high-quality backlinks to rank your post higher in Google searches.

This is not black hat SEO and also not a white hat SEO we can make it in the grey hat SEO category. So this can be dangerous for your website but you can use it safely with some precaution which I will share in my future post. But if Google identifies this then your website or blog will be penalized. So you can avoid this.

You should not leave a footprint to save yourself from the penalty. Now let's say I am creating a private blogging network and my blog name is 'x' I have a total of 10 other blogs whose names are a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, and j. My main blog 'x' is about drones which means I have a tech niche. I will create tech niche content for those blogs. I will share 15 posts in each blog and all those posts will be tech-related.

my blogs a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, and j have good domain authority. Now here I forget to say that you should find expired domains to create a private blogging network. You can find expired domains by using the expired domain finder tool. Because expired domains have good domain authority which is why backlinks from these blogs will be considered high-quality backlinks.

With the help of high-quality backlinks, your main blog/website will rank easily. Once you get traffic on your blog then there are many ways to earn money with the blog but the important thing is traffic. You can purchase PBN hosting to do your work easily. This is not easy and cheap because you have to maintain multiple blogs, buy multiple or PBN hosting, buy multiple domains, and manage the plugins and other on-page SEO kinds of stuff on every blog is difficult to manage.

That is why not every blogger has a PBN network but instead of this they prefer to buy backlinks from PBN network owners. In the coming posts, we are going to learn how to use the PBN network without getting penalized, how to make money using PBN, how to buy expired domains for the PBN network, and the pros and cons of the PBN network. So stay tuned to get more information about this off-page SEO information. Now Faiz Makrani signing off. B bye.

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"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs

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