What is keyword stuffing and how to avoid it?


Hey guys. In the previous post, I shared detailed basic information regarding on-page optimization And there I talked about how to use keywords But here I am going to share a precaution that is very important in blogging. It does not matter where you are sharing content But this thing you need to take care of. If you repeat any word more then it is going to affect the quality of the post, because no one likes to read one word frequently. That is what is called keyword density So you have to control your word density as well as keyword density to improve your post quality if you overuse any keyword, then it is called keyword stuffing which is not good for your Google ranking or any other search ranking. It is also not good for your post quality.

Now, if you ask what percentage of keyword density is good Or if it is considered as an ideal I want to say 2 %. You can use a minimum of 1% and a maximum of 3% of Keyword density. For example, if you are writing a 1000-word post then you have to use your keyword 20 times or a maximum of 30 times If you overdo then this will considered bad content And there is less chance of search engine ranking. So you have to remember this whenever you write the post.

So as I said, it affects the quality of content Because if you want to give quality to your post, then you have to use unique words in your post there are many words available that You can use and the meaning will remain the same So use these type of alternative words Instead of repeating same word. For example, if you say "best PC to buy in 2024" So here PC is the word. Now you want to write the same line again, then you have to replace pc with computer So the meaning will remain the same But the word will be changed. So this is how you can manage the quality of your content.


So keyword stuffing is not good for your SEO rank as well as for your post quality It is a bad habit in the eyes of Google So Google can lower your rank. if you do this type of thing you should stop. If you want to avoid it and try to use similar keywords, I mean, alternative keywords without changing the meaning of the word. This applies to both keywords and words. Don’t be confused between keywords and words Keyword is the main subject that you are targeting and words that you are using in your content are Normal words that you are using in your content So if you can manage everything, then it is good But in the case of keywords, you have to take care of density. In normal words sometimes it is ok to cross the limit. And there is no specific limit defined for normal words You can cross the 3% limit, but do not overdo it. However, in the case of keywords, you have to be careful not to use more than 3%.

There are many keyword density checker tools available on the Internet. And these tools are free to use. You have to just copy and paste your post there and it will show you all keyword density as well as common word density So it will be easy to identify the keywords that are used too frequently. If you find any keyword used to more than 3% Then replace that keyword with an alternative keyword so that it will not change the meaning and also the keyword density will decrease. So you can use this method to control your keyword density without losing the quality of content this way you are going to use keywords naturally in your post. So I hope you liked this post If you found this post helpful, don’t forget to share it. If you have something to ask regarding this, then do a comment below. Have a good day. Now Faiz Makrani signing off. B bye.

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