PBN pros and cons | PBN Series Part 5


Hello guys this is PBN Series part number 5 And here I am going to talk about PBN's pros and cons Again. I would like to suggest you visit my previous 4 posts because I have covered all the detailed things on this particular topic. PBN is not easy because it is a very risky network. You have to keep time for this particular as well as you have to invest a lot. Also, there is a possibility that Google will penalize your blog But I have shared information on how you can save your blog from getting penalized So if you do this, then it is not going to harm you.

PBN Pros

  • Link selling: The First PBN Pros is you can sell the links because you have a network of blogs these blogs contain high-quality content as well as they are built on expired domains, which means these blogs have higher authority So you can easily sell backlinks by using these blogs. There are some groups and pages on social media that provide buy-sell service of backlinks as well as you can use freelancing platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and more.

  • Ranking: Another benefit is ranking. Because when you have PBN, you can easily rank your blog without wasting more time. When you build backlinks manually, it takes lots of time. Also, it is not guaranteed that your blog will rank but in this case, PBN is more effective.

  • Do follow backlinks: In the PBN Network, different websites are built On one niche, And posts are shared on these websites on the same niche That is why linking on the keywords is easy And this will create relevant do follow backlinks which is very valuable. Bloggers can understand how important it is.


PBN cons

  • Costly: PBN is a network of multiple blogs and managing these blogs means you have to invest your money as well as the time. You have to share content on multiple blogs And you, as a single person, cannot do this. So you have to hire a writer and hiring a writer means you have to pay the salary for that writer That is why it is costly. This is not just only cost but there is web hosting. you need to buy multiple web hostings as well as domains So this will increase your expense.

  • Time: As a hive blogger you know how much time it takes to write content and PBN means a network of 10 to 25 blogs. If you write a single piece of content, then it takes lots of time, and it is not easy to share content on all blogs daily That is why it takes a lot of time to write content on these multiple blogs. You can take the help of your friend You can make a partner to share the work. So this can be easy for you. Otherwise, it is very difficult to write content on these blogs daily.

So these are the pros and cons of a private blogging network. With this, I’m ending this series, and I’ll bring a new series of SEO tomorrow I hope you like the information that I’m sharing here. If you have something to ask regarding the SEO, then do a comment below. And if you think that something is not shared In the PBN series, then do a comment below. I will answer you in the comment section and solve your problem So that’s it. And do not forget to share this post. Have a good day. Now Faiz Makrani signing off. B bye.

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"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs

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