How many ways are you using to earn crypto? - 88


Crypto field is like a big sea and when you dive into it you have to go to the right place to catch the big fish. If you are passionate about blogging, gaming, art, entertainment, online work, and investment then congratulations this place is for you but now this is a question that which one to choose. You can try on multiple aspects. You can be a good game player as well as a good content writer and it all depends on time management. When you do these two things you can work on your passive income sources which will not consume your time. This is the beauty of passive income because it does not take your time and you can invest your extra money in the right place.

Hive is the only blockchain that provides multiple promising things to you. If you love to write then you can start content writing, if you love to play games then there are some great games available to play and earn and if you are an investor and looking for some passive income sources then Hive is providing better passive income sources than other blockchains. Currently, I can see holozing is trending in hive and this is a gaming project that provides the highest APR on your delegation. I am seeing posts where users earned a decent amount of Zing tokens. So only a hive can give this type of opportunity.

Other than this you can do trading, and join the new airdrops daily and also some bounty programs are going on. I have hive blockchain and this is enough for me all the way but I am sharing other ways just for educational purposes. Airdrop programs can give you good earnings but you know 95% of airdrops are scams and even if you get free tokens it is not guaranteed a high value. And if you don't know then trading is very risky for you but when it comes to the hive, you don't need anything to start earning crypto but your efforts are needed.

So you can try out your multiple skills on hive blockchain and I am sure you will be rewarded for it. In the end, this is a crypto platform so investment is also important here but not everything depends on investment that is hive for you. Being with crypto is not easy because you must be patient. Crypto field tests your patience and when you are with hive it will help you to motivate because you are getting rewards by making efforts so you will not think about selling your holding. So now the question is how many ways are you using to earn crypto? all of them are available on the hive blockchain. Now Faiz Makrani signing off. B bye.

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"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs

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