Crypto gives total freedom in many ways

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You can imagine the situation in which, government control your financial decisions. Your money is your money not a government money but government want to control your money which is where the problem starts. Government does not want that you get decentralization that is why they are stopping you to be a part of crypto. But the reality is they can't stop you from doing this because democracy has power. Irony is they want to adopt blockchain technology for personal benefits but they avoid crypto currency.

They say crypto is private currency but in reality it is the currency of the people and especially the bitcoin. Bitcoin is the most decentralized cryptocurrency and the father of all crypto coins. The excellent thing in bitcoin is no one holding a very big amount of bitcoin. Let me give you example. From the 100% of bitcoin, no one own at least 25% holding that is why bitcoin is real decentralized currency.

Bitcoin halving that comes in every 4 years is the one of the greatest event of bitcoin which cut the supply by half. Other side, fiat supply is increasing because there is not limit of printing money. Whenever government wants money, they print and use it and all the load comes on the people's head. Now answer me this is scam or not? This is the biggest scam. Thankfully we discovered crypto otherwise still there are lots of people who are not even aware about crypto currency and not a part of the community that is sad thing.

Like me, every person of the crypto community wish that other people will also understand their power and choose decentralization. We have to switch towards decentralization for maximum financial freedom and this is how we can go ahead otherwise this government officers will keep biting us and we can't even say something to them. freedom and decentralization is everything. We can't be a slave of someone we are not the people who under control of someone and this is where crypt works. It is time to get maximum freedom through bitcoin and hive.

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