Can you start blogging In 2024?


Hello, my lovely hive friends Blogging has not died and along with this blogging-related fields like video content creation and social media content creation are also there. The blogging field still has potential because many people think that AI is directly destroying the blogging field. But in reality, it is not because creativity will always have a space That is why you can start blogging in the present time. In 2024 year you can start blogging by researching well. The first thing is choosing the right niches and proper keywords without proper keywords. you cannot rank Even if you give your best.

Blogging Can be your career if you want. But there are some terms and conditions that you have to follow First thing is a clear decision that where you want to go For example, if you want to do affiliate marketing on your blog, and later you change your mind and decide to implement Google AdSense on your blog, then this is not going to work And it will end up by penalizing your blog by google So clear stand is necessary here.

Now, the thing is, some people neglect off-page optimization. They think that they have the best knowledge of content writing, and they are sharing high quality content so they can rank without backlinks. So this is not possible because this is a time of competition And many creators are experts too. That is why you have to focus on off-page optimization as well.

Content is king, but smart work is necessary too. You cannot win the game by just your one tool. You have to use multiple tools And backlink is your best tool Along with the content writing. So if you want to start blogging in 2024 then the first thing is to select your favorite niche, and then do a deep research on it when you know, you can guide others You can share information with readers. So readers can. Attract from your content.

Now SEO is a tool that will help you to reach the maximum audience So if you are writing high-quality content, but you are not doing SEO, then you are doing wrong here because it is important to reach more audience, more readers which is why you have to follow one page, off pages along with technical SEO. The first step is to select low-competition keywords on your niche and implement them properly in your post and your website Then it will be time to do off-page optimization.


And one of the most important things is working on your website speed because I have seen some blogs do it very well with off-page and on-page. But they forget to do technical SEO. Their websites take lots of time to load and have higher bouncerates in this case, Google will decrease the ranking so focus on this thing avoid additional and unnecessary plugins in your website use a clear theme, and clear images and always compress your images. I have shared detailed information in old posts. So also, you have to check them out.

So read that information and start your blogging career by researching it. Research is the main thing without research You cannot do it. if you have a question regarding this information, then you can ask me. I will help you Have a good day and take care. Now Faiz Makrani signing off.

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"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs

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