Splitting Attention: The Learning Curve

Doing ten things at once

I am used to doing a lot of things at one time, which has been the case so far on these platforms. There was a learning curve to get money transferred into the hive.blog, then more as I was urged to get involved with Leo.

I have to take a moment to call attention to the welcoming committee. It looks like many of them are big on leofinance.io. They all stepped up to answer my questions on how to get money into Leo - info on the token was not on the standard crypto sites like coinmarketcap or coingecko. Thanks to all.

I love how the Dex is accessible using the same keys. The volume is not what I had expected, but I am getgting as much Leo as I can.

Opinion so far - Image

Initial hunch

I had eluded to one of my assets being up and how I had planned to get in as I saw Hive hitting the low teens. My timing had paid off. Just the dollar value of my recent Hive purchases are in the money to the tune of nearly four thousand dollars.

Earnings from simply voting on articles has made 200 Hive. I am not sure if that gets better as you go on, but it looks promising.

Then, I believe, there will be rewards for voting on people inside the Leo Finance platform. I am just starting to stake Leo here. Acquiring any quantity of it is slow going.


Some had commented on my trading experience. It may not be what you think. I am serious about holding my own keys, assets, physical metals, etc. I have done some trading, not much, on exchanges in order to get my hands on the next winner. I keep my exposure to those places to a minimum.

I started investing here with some bitcoin I had laying around. I don't like bitcoin because of the fees one has to pay in order to be seen by the network. That is a story for another time.

The ongoing investment is coming from something I had acquired back in 2013. Ripple was a place where people could trade or even create assets. After a year, it turned out to be really useless, but I had purchased $20 worth of the coin needed to pay transaction fees on the platform. Ripple, it was called. (XRP)

I tried my private keys about three years ago when I saw it getting attention in the news again. The site did not let me in but the private key worked. What had cost me $20 was worth many thousands. I was selling off my XRP back then, and then it tanked below twenty cents. I stopped selling and the wallet has sat for years. That is until now. Here is where I recently took profits on my XRP (in order to put it into Hive).


My last article mentions that Hive was a steal at eleven cents. I bought and continued to buy at eleven and twelve cents, pausing now as it rises.


I am not sure how much this helps any of you. I cannot promise that I will stop to write about all ideas that come to me. Opportunities come and some I act on and others I mull over for a while. Hive took a couple months before I invested. I have a thought process I go through as I set up any buy or sale. I am not keeping things to myself but I am not sure if I will write about them as they happen. I will certainly try to let you all know what opportunities I see for making money. It could be just a comment.

I am always searching for forked coins, then I check if I have any. If you hold the keys, always check if there your coin has forked. If so, whatever you had when the fork occurred, is still there to be claimed.

I think that is all I have for tonight. Very happy to be aboard with Leo.

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