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The Future Of Hive Is In YOUR Hands...

The Future Of Hive Is In YOUR Hands...EverNoticeThat httpshive.blogevernoticethat.jpg

Lately I've been on a Hive kick, fueled by an inner drive to write articles about the platform during the troubling crypto times that we live in. Maybe it's concern about the future, as after almost 6 years here (in July), I've taken on a true sense of ownership of the place that only comes from the passion of a true believer.

I may not have as much stake as I once did due to an ill family member, but you damn well better believe I see myself as much as an owner as a whale with 100X more tokens than me. Because after all, I've been here longer than some of them and had to make do with a much smaller starting slot, while enduring the same trials and tribulations as they did.

I was here in 2016 (although not a member yet) lurking and learning as much as I could about this brand-spanking-new place on the blockchain. I lived through the Ned era, and the huge jump in crypto prices (who doesn't remember late 2017?), the Polish downvoting gangs and the great schism that led to what we are today: Citizens of Hive nation.

And despite it all, I'm not going anywhere.

Task and Jongo will have to drag me out of here kicking and screaming while my fingers dig deep furrows into the walls, before they give up and say "OK, you passed the test. You can stay." :)

This place has always felt like the old-fashioned Amish barn raising that I'd seen as a kid (we live in Amish Country). Everyone working together for the common good, and no one was ever made to feel that they were alone.

Why Am I Writing All Of This?

Remember that scene in The Matrix (my favorite movie) , where Neo is talking to those who sense there's something different about the world and that change is in the air? That's how I feel right now.

For those of you that are new here or just passing by, and wondering why many of us are infused with passion about this place; this post is for you. Years before the formation of its predecessor, Steemit, I wondered if someone would find a way to combine blogging and crypto.

Bitcoin had just been created as the first crypto token by some dude named Satoshi Nakamoto, and instantly things clicked for me and I knew we were on to something BIG. Notice I say "we" as even back then I felt involved, and couldn't stop talking about this grand new thing that I felt would eventually change the world.

And I still feel that way today.

I won't make this post too long (as I am wont to do), since I'm sleep-deprived and trying to re-adjust my body clock, but I just have to get this out.

The Future Of Hive Really Is In Your Hands...

Those of you who feel the same as I do about Hive know what I'm talking about. That sense of ownership that comes from appreciating the possibilities right here in front of us.

I don't care if you have 1 $HIVE or 50,000, you're an OWNER! Act like it!

If you see #Threads aren't hopping, jump in and share. Notice that well-written post that has no comments or upvotes? Dive in and engage. Answer new user questions and be willing to reblog great content instead of just thinking about "me, me, me."

Token price dropping? See that as a possible opportunity to buy (not financial advice of course! Do your own due diligence!). We need strong hands around here who can recognize the swings in prices as cycles and have a long-term outlook.

I started my #500CommentChallenge because I saw so many good posts with no comments. No one had to tell me to do it. I saw potholes on Hive Street and started filling them in.

See what I mean?

Take the initiative, steer that ship. After all, it's yours! :)

Let's treat Hive like a new house in a great neighborhood that we're trying to sell. Hop in and help pick up the place so that we can always put our best foot forward.

Got it?

See, you can't fake this kind of passion, it's real. I came from the worlds of Blogger and Twitter, where you didn't own your content, and were essentially working for someone else. As The Podfather Adam Curry once said; "If its free, then you're the product. After all, I have No Agenda. :)

After years of blogging over there, I was getting tired of creating content that I didn't own. So when the chance to be a part of blogging+crypto came along, I lurked for a year and then jumped in.

And I've never looked back.

So. That's me and that's why I'm here on Hive. Hopefully this has given you a little taste of how us OG blockchain buddies think and why we're so passionate (there's that word again!) about Hive.

Repeat after me: "I HAVE A SENSE OF OWNERSHIP ON HIVE!" Go ahead, say it out loud, because guess what? You do. Pitch in, get involved, and if you're not a member yet: Join Us.

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Image Credit: [1] @EverNoticeThat Created using Canva.