Hive People

HIVE PEOPLE @EverNoticeThat

With the strains of Stevie Wonder's "Higher Ground" playing in the background, I'm sitting here sipping some tea and thinking on the outreach I'm making in the form of increased engagement on Hive.

The song reminded me of the interactions that I've had, and the inspiring personal stories I've encountered across Hive. It's been an interesting few days to say the least, and I can share that it's been an absolute blast diving right on in!

Higher Ground

This new push has exposed me to some wonderful Hive content creators that I likely never would have discovered otherwise.

There are a ton of amazing people out there sharing aspects of their lives that can enrich everyone with a deeper understanding that we're all "in it" together on this big blue globe that we call home.

There are those going through difficulties and sharing what works to help them with their struggles along the way.

Others have been through the crucible, and come out with a renewed sense of self, sharpened and strengthened by the obstacles they've faced and overcome.

All are Hive people.

Hive People

What I've found throughout my visits among hundreds of posts, is that no matter what you're going through, you're never alone on Hive.

There's always someone to talk to and lean on when you need it the most. From the senior in her golden years musing about her station in life, to the naturist living his own truth on beautiful Hawaii, each has a unique story to tell.

We also have people that are experts in many fields who are willing to share that expertise in order to help a brother Hiveian out in times of need.

What's also struck me, has been the resiliency of our talented content creators. During my travels across the blockchain, I was on the lookout for the authors of those posts with little to no engagement.

I was more than happy to pitch in and lend a comment and an upvote. But lemme tell ya' there are a lot of strong individuals out there who continue on their pathway to personal growth. We can all learn from their examples and support them along the way.

I'm going to continue with my efforts at sparking engagement across Hive and discovering even more of the amazing individuals that I've encountered in our own little place on the blockchain. I hope you'll join me.

If you found this post informative or inspiring, please leave an upvote, comment and reblog. And if you haven't already: Join Hive! :)

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Image Credit: [1] @EverNoticeThat Created using Canva.

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