dCity - Good for HIVE

Greetings to all of my fellow light fascists and stylin' stalinists, from one "Dear Leader" to another. Looking on from afar at your hopefully growing and thriving, City-states. I wanted to share a quick update on the progress of my own little spit of land.

Steady growth

dCity Update 2 @EverNoticeThat.png

Our population stands at 423, with a current income of 184 and a popularity of 200. I've collected 65 cards so far and have noticed a new trend in the last few days. The top 200 list to share in daily dCity rewards, has now been extended to the top 300, so that my city now qualifies. It's nice to see those simoleans come in day after day, which I of course plow right back into boosting city growth.

See, it dawned on me just how good this game can be in helping to support the price and adoption of HIVE. In order to maintain your slot on the leaderboard, you have to keep improving your city. That means buying HIVE. Staking LEO, spending tokens that would otherwise be collecting dust and procuring new cards is great for the platform. If enough people do that, it will have the added benefit of keeping the price pointing north and making this place a whole lot stickier.

A future expansion could even see a LEO tie-in with a regional bank headquarters card as a way of mining the token. This is one or the reasons why I kept my spot on that other corner of the blockchain, to act as a "feeder" for things over here. Just drop in a post from time to time to keep the chain rolling.

The Human HIVE

My idea to avoid buying random cards looks to be the right choice for me so far. Keeping profits, population and popularity up, even though it may cost me a little more in the long run. One thing I could not find any info on, was why some of the circles on the map were larger than others. That is until I purchased my 10th Apartment and saw that they were stackable.

I could see this game one day developing into controlling multiple cities with continents and new lands to discover, resembling a favorite game of mine: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. In that game, there's even a faction leader Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang, of the Human HIVE! :)

dCity is good for you. This is more than just a game, it's an investment in the future of HIVE on the blockchain. COME GET SOME!

Thank you so much!

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