Telegram Channels to get Ad Revenue Share in TON Coin

InLeo has one of the unique ad revenue share program that bypasses the 7 day payout window of the Hive. And the way it works it earns you money as you put the content on the blockchain. As long as you bring the value and the traffic, you get rewarded. Same monetization approach has been requested by the Telegram users and the company has responded.

Telegram is going to show the ads and the sponsored messages into the Broadcast channels and the groups. And the monetized channels and groups would be earning the owners ad revenue share. This revenue share would be shared in terms of the TON coin address.

Let's talk about the Telegram's decision to monetize the Telegram Broadcast Channel.

Monetizing Broadcast Channels using Telegram Ads

Telegram has thousands of groups and the channels. Each of such high traffic channel has the messages and the sponsored ads appear into those messages. And in such case the ads generate revenue for the Telegram. And they wish to share this revenue with the community. This would help them retain the users for content generation and also for monetization.

Telegram has created the AD section for the sponsors to use and add the ads into the channel. They choose what to show and what link to add. And so some of the time such type of the ads would come in which they can't add into the facebook and the Google adsense. You can check out the Telegram ads marketplace for you to explore and check for the reference.

Telegram Elevating the Value of TON Coin

Bitcoin cash, Solana, Ethereum and many other blockchain networks used the content monetization and the way to popularize their coin initially. The same concept is being used by the telegram. They are paying people using the TON coin and they would be pushing for the adoption of their coin. So now there would be users who would be holding the TON coin in the wallet.

What does this do for the TON coin? It would come into the circulation. And it would have the use case. Which means there would be price value that would increase and decrease based on the circulation. Du rove has mentioned that they are going to be sharing the 50 percent of the revenue in the form of the TON coin. You can check the reference for the same here.

Creator Monetization and Betting on Full time Income

Very few amount of people are able to monetize their channels on youtube and tiktok for some value. And this means there would be difficult for us to have a full time income for average people and channels. But that does not have to be the case. We have things like say Inleo premium, which can be used to monetize your content. You also have the twitter monetization which works once you have enough followers. Which goes to show there is an income available out there.

It's not easy to make it in the world of the full time income with the creator monetization. And it is even more harder to do it full time unless you are already unemployed or say you have crossed the young age and need something to earn from. Coins use such programs to increase the circulation and the price of the coin in the market. So this decision too has been done for the same purpose.

Telegram paying the users who run broadcast channel and groups are going to be getting rewarded in TON coin is a good news. And we are going to see some really good changes with the same in the upcoming times.

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