Digital Euro - European Central Bank Begins CBDC Development

Ever since the crypto has been in the market, Govt has this hidden pressure to create it's own digital version of the currency. And they are working really hard to create a cash equivalent of crypto known as the central bank digital currency aka CBDC. Each nation has it's own name.

In case of European Union, it would be called as the "Digital Euro". And based on the recent updates, there has been concept development of the crypto equivalent of the Euro. Just like how crypto is replacing the cash, digital euro would be replacing the notes andthe coins too.

This crypto equivalent of the Euro would be released and available t allthe people who would be in the Euro area. Through the use of the govt and the private apps this digital currency would be available to be used to transfer one on one, through ecom and through offline shops too. Which would be like UPI type usage of the CBDC.

Let's talk about how the conceptual development phase of Digital Euro is going to be and how it would be in the development.

Image Credit: Economic Times

Who is building Digital Euro?

European central bank is the entity that is working towards the digital currency. And they are working with other standard entities like euro retail payments board, international bank of settlements, european securities and markets authority and many others. This means they would be accepting variety of the inputs through market for crypto.

Here the digital euro would be taking around 2 years for the two stages of the development. In first stage there would be preparation where they would gather the data and then plan how it could be deployed, it's structure, chain, digital assets and the deployment. And the further it would go through series of development steps.

How does Digital Euro comes into the market?

As it stands, current stage is in development phase. So they would be going through the concept, design and development. You can check the document here. And once they reach the stage for the final releasse, the digital euro would be deployed on the apps and the platforms for the immediate usage. It intends to be tested in all the EU controlled banks in the Union region.

In the timeline context, you would find that the Digital Euro is going to be accepting the concept phase initiation at Nov 1st 2023. And from here onwards upto 2 years there would be development phase would be in the motion. Also expect the digital euro to be constantly developing and deployed. This would be replacing the existing digital solutions soon through the usge of the CBDC under EU region.

Digital Euro for Business, Consumers and Crypto Market

There is an increase in the usage of the stablecoins which make use of the USD. Even if the EUR is higher in value in the market, there is more usage of the USDT, USDC and other USD pegged value being transfered all over the world. Which kind of makes the crypto more leaning towards the US pegged digital asset as of now.

This would hurt the Asian, European and the other national markets. And so such regions are forced to deploy their own national currency under the CBDC. Which would balance this growing trend towards USD. And now with the deployment of the Digital Euro, more startups, apps, e-com and the consumers local payments would move more local and which keeps the circulation inside the market.

You can expect the European startups and the apps to be pushing the usage of the Digital Euro first. And this would be done through the Union banks rules and the regulations which would then reduce the decentralized currency from the market to push the adoption of the Digital Euro.

Digital Euro is supposed to be used both online and offline through the apps and other devices, which goes to show the adoption would retain the privacy, security and the circulation for the consumers. Which also means that it'd be constantly under the development.

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