Hive Price Going Up, Steem Power Down, What To Do?

For Hive holders this weekend has been interesting indeed.

With Hive price going up like crazy, and with another round of Steem power downs, there are some sweet dilemmas facing us. At least I am facing them.

My Steem power downs are every Friday evening, with 688 Steem coming my way on a regular basis.

Until now, I immediately swapped this amount to Hive. Don't ask me why yet I didn't do the swap last week. So, now I have some liquid Hive which is worth much more than it was ten days ago.

The dilemma is - what to do with Liquid Hive?

Should I sell it? Which is the action that looks most appealing right now.

Should I hold it?

Or even power it up? What I wanted to do in the first place yet omitted somehow.

Let's take a look at the prices to document them. After the actions will be carried through I will be able to come back and evaluate them.

Hive at @coingecko:

Steem at @Coingecko:

Roughly, Hive, in comparison to Steem, is now worth around 9 times more than it was two weeks ago.

In my opinion, It is time to:

  1. sell all liquid Hive to BTC,
  2. hold this BTC,
  3. when the tide turns, it will eventually, buy Hive back
  4. don't power down any staked Hive,
  5. sell Steem to BTC to and buy Hive later.

What do you think?

I've already did point 5, of course.

I sold it on Huobi to celebrate the listing of Hive on this exchange.

For the record

688.30400000 Steem => 0.01480319 BTC, currently worth 113.07 USD

OK, let's do the selling part of Hive now. On Huobi again.

First, record the process of Hive at exchanges.

Transfer out ...

Sold in an instant ...

And now ... Hive price will surely go up some more :)

What will your move, or no-move be?

Better and better

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