My "Shitty" Investment Challenge

         In the spirit of @trumpman's challenge, I shall share with you all a "shitty" investment in my lifetime. Since a crypto or stock is too easy of an option, I've decided to venture off track. I'm gonna go with something that's not related to finance.

         What you see there is part of an easel that's left from a phase in my life. There was a point where I wanted to try out the arts, in particular painting. This was when I first started working as a young professional. The difference in income compared to my student days was huge.

         I had purchased supplies for this hobby. Unfortunately, other things in life became priority. It didn't help that I have never had an overwhelming desire for painting. To make things worse, I spent a good amount on items like paint, brushes, etc.

         As time passed, I got rid of those supplies bit by bit. I donated most of them to friends who actually indulged in painting. I was still hundreds of dollars out, but I got rid of the clutter at least.

         So, why is the easel left? It was the last item and I never spent more time trying to remove it from the hoard. Is it worth the time to try by this point?

         Given the current COVID-19 situation, schooling might happen more at the home in the fall. That's not a bad thing. It does make me wonder if I should reinvest in things like art supplies. In a hilarious fashion, I may have gotten rid of something I could use after all. But, time will tell because I don't have school age children yet.

         You might be thinking, that's not so "shitty". It's not. There are definitely worse investments in life. The only lame part here is buying something on the spur of the moment, get rid of it, and wound up needing it again. It's a total waste of time and funds. There's literally no upsides. At least with a Hail Mary investment, you might stand to gain something.

         Well, here's my small tidbit on one of my more questionable spending. As instructed, I will nominate several others to participate in this shenanigan.

         I will nominate the following persons and it will be up to them to decide if they want to join in:

  1. @themarkymark
  2. @anthonyadavisii
  3. @azircon

         Please remember to use the LeoFinance frontend and the tag #shittyinvestment. For more details, please refer back to this post.

         If you don't feel like making a post, you are free to let me know in the comments of a bad investment decision you have made. We all have an once-upon-a-time story.

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