It's time to show me some love!

         A lot of us are always looking for ways to get some extra crypto around here. Whether that's through airdrops or random referrals, we've seen it all. When it comes to referrals, the programs often reward both referrer and referral. One of such initiatives is Coinbase Earn.

         Let me cut to the chase. I still have some invites for for XLM and COMP on Coinbase Earn. Click on the links below to accept.


         Even if you hate me, you'd still get free money out of it. Who knows? You might be able to get some funds to power up some HIVE and downvote me or something.

         Remember, the rewards are finite, so don't miss the boat!

         For those of you who are unfamiliar, Coinbase offers tutorials of crypto assets. Completing each "lesson" will yield you a small amount of coins you are learning about. Whatever you do with those coins afterwards is your business. Some may choose to invest. Some may convert them to other assets. Some cashes out to fiat.

         There are a selection of assets offered in Coinbase Earn's tutorials. They range from ALGO to XTZ. Even if you can't participate in the rewards, the content is still educational. They give you a quick rundown of what the assets are about and what they hope to accomplish.

         The tutorials should get you start thinking about how to introduce people to crypto. Ask yourselves, what would I tell someone if I were asked about [insert crypto here]? What is so special about your favorite coins/tokens? What is the endgame for the goodies in your bag?

         If you are drawing blanks, it might be a good time to reevaluate your choices. Of course, this is no financial advice.

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