Who am I?
Hello Hive! I'm Ifeanyi, 26, just a regular guy. @elmagniifico is my alias here on hive.


I'm a final year medical student. I can't fully say that the decision to study medicine was solely mine, infact I still remember the day I went with my dad after my junior secondary for application into senior secondary.
When filling out the form I actually chose technical science as my preferred choice. On leaving the office my dad asked what I chose, my goodness, I can't forget the look on his face when I told him technical science. He immediately ordered me to go back in there and change it to pure science (the line of those that wanted to be doctors). Of course I changed it, he's my dad after all and parents are supposed to know better than their children, and to be honest, deep down I didn't even really know what I wanted to do with my life.

All I was certain of, was that I always had this deep sympathy and empathy towards people with swollen and disfigured jaws and abdomen that begged on the road. A condition I later came to know was Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

It's been 8 years down the line and I've fallen in love with medicine and surgery (especially the Surgical aspect).


My Hobbies

Asides reading medical books, which I must say are not always fun, I love cooking and I'm a foodie.
For a guy I actually make delectable dishes and you can imagine my joy when I found out that hive has a food community 😋

I also enjoy watching movies. I see watching movies as my way of relaxation when I'm saturated from reading or just for the entertainment. I've also learnt a lot from movies, improving my vocabulary and learning new stuff like different peoples culture and traditions. I'm currently watching "Under the Queen's Umbrella", a K-drama series. Let me know what you're currently on. 🙂

Music is my everything. I've always loved music from when I gained cognitive function 😅. Growing up, I used to compose random songs, I even had a song book, though I never saw myself pursuing a career in the field. Music is a means of relaxation for me and connecting with my emotions, it's also a way that I express myself.

Why I'm here and what I've got to offer

I have a knack for learning new information and that's why I'm so passionate about the opportunity that hive presents.
I've known about crypto and web3 for a while, but still have very little knowledge of it. I hope to change this narrative.
There are so many communities and people with diverse expertise and wealth of knowledge here. I can't wait to engage them and their publications, and by so doing learn from them.

By joining this community, I hope to share memories and experiences, share my passions with you all, tell stories and make jokes and of course, provide health tips or information that will be of great value.

In conclusion, Special thanks to my friends and colleagues @sperosamuel15, @graat and @chuksmeezy for onboarding me to this wonderful platform.

Thanks for reading, please any info and guidance to make my hive journey smooth is very much welcome. Also please subscribe and engage my publications.

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