My April Blogging Progress: Finding Consistency and Growth on InLeo

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Looking back at the past 30 days of April, I've recorded some successes that evokes gratitude in my heart. from family to education, I've some some small wins but one of the things that stood so loud as my success in April was the progress in my blogging.

I am a student and the education is self-funded. Plus the fact that I have dependents too makes like feel like fun and challenging too. Fun, because, I marvel at how I manage to breakthrough despite many hurdles, but trust me, sometimes, it's really hard. In all, God has been helping me through it all.

One of the most significant decisions I made in April was to prioritize consistency in my blogging efforts. Thanks to INLEO's #aprilinleo daily prompt. I regret that I didn't join the writing challenge in the past month. It was really a game changer for me. The daily writing prompt helped me to get more committed to sticking to a regular posting schedule. I'm thrilled to report that it's already paying off in more ways than one. Not only has it helped me stay organized and focused, but it's also had a tangible impact on my earnings.

At the start of April, I made a conscious decision to prioritize consistency in my blogging efforts. I realized that in order to see real progress and growth, I needed to commit to showing up regularly for my audience. The first two weeks were really rocky. Glad I found courage in the third week and also successfully subscribed for INLEO premium. Just $10 but I think I've recovered that sum already in the last two weeks.

Not only have I seen a noticeable increase in my earning, my blog view counters is also changing positively. It's now clear to me now more than ever that consistency truly is the key to success in the world of blogging. Yes, it's really worth the discipline.

What's truly fulfilling is the sense of connection and community that I've been able to foster through my writing. The InLeo frontend, with its unending innovation, has provided me with a platform to share my voice, connect with like-minded individuals, and engage in meaningful conversations, unhindered. As a decentralized platform built on the principles of blockchain technology, InLeo puts the power back into the hands of content creators. There are no middlemen or gatekeepers dictating what can or cannot be published or how I should earn – it's just me, my words, and my audience. Thank you to ll awesome curators out there.

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Admittedly, keeping to the schedule in the last two weeks of my participation wasn't always easy. There were days when life got in the way, and I found myself struggling to find the time or motivation to write. I mean my head goes all blank with no idea popping. But through sheer perseverance and a healthy dose of discipline, I managed to stay on track and deliver quality content to my readers.

I am looking ahead to the month of May, I'm already filled with excitement and optimism for the future of my blogging experience on InLeo and already awaiting the may's posting calendar. I'm more motivated than ever to continue building momentum, exploring new topics, and pushing the boundaries of my creativity. And with the support of this incredible community behind me, I know that the sky would be the starting point. I will also tell you what the blogging earnings would be/was used for and you will be happy you supported me.

To my readers, followers, and fellow bloggers – thank you for joining me on this journey. Your support, feedback, and encouragement mean the world to me, and they inspire me to keep striving for excellence every single day.

Here's to continued growth, progress, and success on Hive and beyond!

We'll get better in May and it's my birth month too.

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