Word for word from the Fink's mouth.

Unbelievable. Larry Fink has just said the quiet thing out loud. He's just said the thing that I, @taskmaster4450, and others have been shouting for YEARS. Blockchain is better than what the legacy system has... so of course one day all stocks will be on the blockchain.

It was obvious.

But to have Larry flippin' Fink come forward months after ETF approval and say it out loud on Bloomberg? Holy hell... this is really escalating quickly, friends. Buckle up for the wildest bull market we will ever see in the history of bull markets. It's going to be so stupid. People are already making 6-figures from Solana meme coins and the run hasn't even started yet.

CBDC angle?

Of course when many people see something like this, especially maximalists, they are going to immediately cry about CBDC implementation. It's the boy who cried wolf at this point. Literally anything and everything is a CBDC to these people. Blackrock is not even central bank. Every time an institution talks about blockchain the boy who cried wolf appears. Make it make sense. If anything it's just Enterprise Blockchain, but that threat no longer carries any weight (and for good reason... the same reason why CBDC is the same).

Remove Illicit Activities?

Of course it's easy to see why so many would cry out CBDC when the goal would be to transparently track all the assets on a blockchain controlled by institutions... but is this really that much different to the end-user than it is now? Seriously, be honest. You think these guys aren't already tracking everything you do already? You think the IRS doesn't know? Be reasonable.

Instantaneous settlement.

A funny thing I've noticed is now maximalists in particular react to this kind of news. "Isn't this just another database?" "How does this have any value?" That's because these people are so Bitcoin-only that their brain doesn't work in any other way. Even when the CEO of Blackrock is telling them things like:

  • Fraud will be eliminated.
  • We'll have instant settlements.
  • Stock holders will enjoy direct democracy.

What's that now? Direct Democracy?

Yes, if you actually listen to what Larry Fink is saying in this clip instead of knee-jerk reacting to it... he's actually undermining the power of his own hedge fund. You know how everyone complains that Blackrock is delegated all the voting power and they whine about ESG and other woke forms of financial incentive? He's literally talking about removing all that bullshit by employing decentralized blockchain... and it's like NOBODY NOTICED WHAT HE JUST SAID.


... if you wanna talk about voting and voting choice and all the things... if we know every moment who is the owner of that stock and it's now time to vote: every individual who has ownership is identified and they can vote their own shares.

LIKE... REALLY? REALLY? He's talking about DPOS on the stock market and everyone's reaction is like "yeah CBDC though". Like LoL. What the actual fuck? This is bullish as shit. Wake up already.


Of course the rebuttal to this is that Larry Fink is a piece of shit and we can't trust him and he's got other secret plans to control everything. So what? That's IRRELEVANT. It doesn't matter what the plans of a literal fink are. What matters is what actually happens as a result of all this, which is going to extend far beyond the plans of any singular person or institution.

This is just phase 1: get everything on the blockchain. What about phase 2 and phase 3? Explain to me how we are going to be ushered into a world of absolute tyranny and totalitarianism as Bitcoin and every altcoin is pumped to the moon and all the freedom fighters become rich beyond their wildest dreams. Explain it. Make it make sense. None of this CBDC bro CBDC Larry Fink bro CBDC Larry Fink Blackrock bro. Like no. Stop. Full Stop. Use brain instead.

A system like this is going to be one that institutions and corporations opt into because it's a good deal for them. They will all get to run a node and keep all the other nodes honest. Will you get to run a node? I mean maybe it will be possible, but it will be expensive as shit and you'll have no power over the network. We are not in the BIG CLUB. Get over it. Just because this is true doesn't mean that decentralization isn't happening right before our very eyes at the upper level. The powers that be are realizing that if they give up a tiny bit of power then they can create exponential value within a collaborative system of peers.


And none of that matters anyway because I'm not going to participate in this bullshit anyway. I've never owned a stock in my life. My dad set me up a mutual fund once and I had to liquidate it when I fell on hard times. That's my full experience with the stock market. The stock market is opt in; not a CBDC. Duh. Honestly why does this need to be explained to people? It's frustrating. Just buy Bitcoin. Real actual non-wrapped BTC. It's not hard.

"Everything will be an ETF"

Another direct quote from this goblin. The Bitcoin ETF is doing so got damn well that now EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE AN ETF. And Blackrock gets to take their half a percent cut every year. Pretty baller business model if you can swing it. Got damn.

We believe this is a technological transformation for financial assets.

This is the ultimate evolution of securities we've been talking about for YEARS. Now Larry Fink says it out loud and everyone is like omg CBDC. What? Stop. Seriously stop. Stop already.


How long before a technology like this is not only available, but also accepted by the greater market? A transition like this takes YEARS; maybe even a decade. It starts small and if it has promise it expands.

Ask yourself why the stock market closes at 4 PM New York time. It's because the stock market was invented before the Internet. In fact, the stock market existed before computers. Just because a new technology exists doesn't mean there's an instant overhaul of all the legacy infrastructure, but that is exactly how crypto folks interpret these statements. Get some perspective.


Are you ready for this bull market into 2025? Well I'm not, and if I'm not then you're probably not either because I've been doing quite a bit of prep. No amount of prep is going to actually prepare us for what's in store for this upcoming rally. This is the mainstream adoption rally. What a beautiful and terrible disaster it will be.

Do not ignore things that Larry Fink says like "we're going to decentralize voting and give the power back to our clients". That's a batshit crazy statement to make on TV as the CEO of the most powerful hedge fund in the world. What does it all mean? I guess we'll find out.

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