Kamala Comeback


It's been quite the political whirlwind!

I finally understand what all of the fuss is about, firsthand. Election Year in a Battleground State is THE WORST. The constant bombardment of political propaganda being shoved down the throats of every citizen in the state is nothing short of diabolical! Imagine trying to argue that we live in a democracy with this kind of psychological warfare taking place in all the exact regions it needs to take place to win an election. One-to-one voting is a farce that's been hacked to oblivion while still remaining to be championed as the tool of ultimate freedom. Wild!


Well it seems we're coming to consensus on something here!

Both on the left and right many seem to be coming to the conclusion that this entire event was choreographed to magnificent effect. Democrats and Republicans alike now believe that Joe Biden completely bombed the debate on purpose in order to shepherd in the current result. Could Kamala win a fair election in the primaries? Basic logic says no... but they just hacked the system a bit more to completely avoid that election altogether. Unprecedented event after unprecedented event back to back to back. Embrace clown world; it's highly entertaining.

Embracing the idea of Anarchy (rules without rulers)

Not that I really care who the candidates are, just noting the blatant and unending corruption of the system. Kamala Harris went from a nobody to America's Savior overnight. I'm on record as far back as 2021 saying that Biden was never going to win reelection, and I was proven correct (despite overwhelming incumbent odds). This is the stage of declining-empire we find ourselves in (incumbents no longer win). The world is thirsty for something different.

I still believe that the dems have a much lower chance of winning than they are representing. It seems like the polling data is absolutely worthless these days. Or rather not worthless but much better and ending the complete demoralization of the party rather than expressing the truth. However, there is quite a bit of momentum there.


Of course no matter what happens: if dems win, the right will claim they cheated. It's those damn mail-in ballots I tell ya! Truckloads upon truckloads of fake votes, boy howdy! Dead people voting! Illegals voting and getting free healthcare and housing. Blah blah blah. Insert basic-bitch partisan topic here. This is the children's table of politics. Sit down, shut up, and start arguing about the approved topics on the list, like abortion or inflation.

It's hard to say just how much cheating goes on in an election but it's pretty obvious that the biggest threat are the electronic machines that have proven time and time again to be completely untrustworthy and easily hackable, seemingly by design. That's why I'm a fan of DPOS voting. "Free and fair" elections are so bad at this point that I'd rather see money voting publicly than people voting privately. End of an era and onto something new.

Joe Rogan for RFK

And then there was that whole moment where Joe Rogan denounced Trump and put in a bid for RFK. Did you guys catch that? I didn't pay much attention to it but I hear he's since rolled it back to get all the trolls off his back.


Harris economic plan

I think it's pretty funny that Harris says she's going to fix the "border crisis" and "inflation" when she was firmly part of the administration that created all the problems in the first place. In fact only now do dems even admit that there is a problem at the border to begin with. Also I watched a few minutes of the democratic national convention yesterday and they claimed to have a bi-partisan solution to the border but Trump somehow killed the bill using his influence. "Selfishly killing a bi-partisan solution to selfishly help his own campaign" is the narrative they were peddling. Of course regardless of the actual truth you can't really believe anything that comes out of the mouths of these lunatics during these literal propaganda conventions. Even Bill Clinton and both Obamas spoke. Blah blah blah. Not interested.

Price Fixing Never Works

A lot of people are saying the Harris economic plan involves preventing stores from raising prices... which is a terrible idea. Of course if we actually look into any of these claims it's all blatant speculation because Harris basically refuses to distribute any kind of policy at all because vague promises of fixing the economy, inflation, and the border. Classic politicians.

Of course nobody brings up what caused all these problems in the first place. Basically COVID protocol and sanctioning Russia completely screwed up the entire economy in a slow-moving shockwave of broken logistics. And also I can't help but note that her chosen running mate is basically just another police-state military man. These people are cops. Do we really want to elect cops to the highest office? Talk about a recipe for martial law. I'll be fine either way I'm sure it's more the other people I'm worried about... just like during the COVID lockdowns.


There's a rumor going around that Harris is a total functioning alcoholic... so that's fun. Very unclear if there's any truth to these rumors as they are only being spread by the right. Speaking of rumors... the left likes to say Trump and Vance are "weird" and make jokes about Vance literally fucking a couch. This is the type of maturity level we can expect during Clown World apparently. "Don't vote for that guy he's a weird couch fucker." Stranger than fiction I tell ya.



And then there's the whole assassination attempt that seems like a distant memory even though it literally happened last month. Crazy month in politics that's for damn sure. I guess we'll see how it plays out. I've spent a lot of time here talking trash about the dems so it's good to point out that this trash-monster is just as bad as the rest of them. They aren't going to fix shit. Get over it and stop voting for these turds. Stop acknowledging this broken system as legitimate and abstain from picking between the douche and the turd-sandwich.



Clown World has been highly entertaining lately.

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