Conspiracy Hour


Hmmmm there are so many new ones to add.

We better find a bigger triangle!

I have WAY TOO MUCH to talk about in this post!

It's actually daunting how much I have to talk about. In terms of conspiracy theory, time has sped up and it seems like every single day there is some crazy thing happening that doesn't fully add up. Also it's just been nice keeping the whole conspiracy theory genre out of my blog and sticking to things we can actually control as we grind forward in crypto-land.

So what I think I'll do in this one is just dump every single conspiracy thing I've seen without a whole lot of detail or deep dives: Just to remind everyone how batshit crazy the world is right now so I can flush it all down the pipe and we can get back to regularly scheduled programming. Otherwise I'd have to write like 10,000 words on all this stuff because there seems to be a never-ending flood of limitless information on these topics. Most of it false or only half true I'm sure.


Conspiracy #1: EGGS

I have to admit, eggs being a conspiracy was not on my BINGO card.
How is that even possible?
Ah... well...


Oh what's this?

A scientific study linking egg yolk antibodies as a neutralizing agent against COVID? lol? What? Insane... is this legit? Doesn't matter. It's being reported as legit so it makes the list of conspiracy topics.

But here's something that for sure did happen:


A fire just happens to break out at one of the biggest egg processing plants in New Zealand? Right after it is determined that eggs and COVID don't mix? And it just so happens that New Zealand has been one of the most neo-liberal fascist countries in the world regarding COVID? And there was already an egg shortage to begin with? Yeah totally. I wouldn't worry about it probably just a coincidence. Yep, nothing to see here. Food processing plants burning down left and right is totally normal and not disturbing at all.

So the idea here is that the deep state or whatever is purposefully driving up the price of eggs so that the poors are forced to get their vax or whatever. Or maybe just so more people die because the deep state is on a depopulation agenda or what not. Again I don't really have time to draw actual opinions or analysis from any of this data because we are just getting started.


Conspiracy #2: Nord Stream 2 pipeline blown up by CIA.

Just kidding: tricked you. This isn't a conspiracy theory at all, and is much more akin to conspiracy fact. Months before the explosion journalists were asking the administration what they would do about the Russian pipeline should things turn sour. "Don't worry about it we'll handle it," was the reply.

Then the pipeline blows up and the propaganda machine had the audacity to claim that Russia blew up their own pipeline... that they control. It was truly a sight to behold. I'm sure people believed that stupid bullshit too because people are sheep and this is a numbers game.

Recently though US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh came forward and basically confirmed what was painfully obvious from the start. We promised to blow it up, and then we blew it up. Duh. Case closed.

I guess the funniest thing about this situation is that USA still denies they did it, on top of making claims that blowing up the pipeline will have zero effect on global climate change and carbon emissions. "A drop in the bucket," defense is being employed. But that mean ol' Bitcoin wastes so much energy! Truly hilarious double-speak as always. Never a dull moment.


Conspiracy #3: Chinese Spy Balloon

This entire thing made no sense on so many levels. All the world powers have satellites orbiting the Earth with military-grade capabilities. There is no reason to think that China would do something like this on purpose. They have nothing to gain, and all the information surrounding the event is shady.

For one, they waited until it crossed the entire country and shot it down over the ocean. Why? Whatever the reason is it's not a good one. I'm guessing they knew exactly what was up there and wanted there to be a zero percent chance that any civilians got ahold of it. Or they just wanted it to be a distraction for a longer time period.

And then there's the issue of how they shot these things down. Using fighter jets and sometimes missiles that cost half a million dollars? What the actual clown show are they running over there? So weird on so many levels. None of it adds up. Some people think it was just a distraction to divert attention from all the other crazy shit going on like Hunter Biden's laptop scandal or whatever. Who knows.


Conspiracy #4: Chinese space lasers

Was the balloon not enough? These lasers were filmed off the coast of Hawaii in a spectacular display. But again, what is the point? Seriously why? I haven't looked into this one like at all so I'll just leave it at that. It was worth mentioning for sure.


Conspiracy #5: Satanic globalist depopulation agenda

You know I think I've seen this color scheme before.


Seriously what the fuck who makes these idiotic decisions?

First a presidential speech, then the Grammys. These guys are really on a roll. Of course if you ask a religious conspiracy theorist who leans right this is all part of the global satanic agenda and further proof of the end-of-days. Abandon all hope: ye who enter here! I must admit that every day that goes by I start to question my own sanity in these regards. Do not necessarily subscribe to this one but I can still add it to the list! Kudos!


Conspiracy #666: Assisted suicide

There's been a lot of talk floating around in regard to assisted suicide in Canada, and it's starting to bleed into the USA. Again, I'm not really going to look into it much further. I'm just going to wait for the situation to escalate and I'll give a more detailed analysis at that time.

But the theme is clear and this one fits into the depopulation agenda combined with "fixing" the demographic problem of too many old, sick, and broken people "leeching" off of capitalism. Get a job, grandma! You're useless!


Conspiracy #7: Ohio train catastrophe.

This is the mother of all conspiracies for the day... perhaps the entire year. The federal government is being accused of blowing up a derailed train in Ohio on purposes and unleashing deathly toxic chemicals into the air of one of America's best farmland areas.

Again, this ties into all the depopulation stuff. The eggs stuff. The inflation stuff. Higher food prices. Basically pricing out the poor from living and unilaterally controlling the food supply and possibly even poisoning it.

I mean we've already heard Bill Gates talk about putting mRNA tech inside of food to avoid "vaccine hesitancy" as if he's putting a date-rape drug in a vodka-soda. It's all bad. All all bad. Every single person on Hive talking about getting farmland and homesteading seems to know what's up.


I assume the government will deny blowing up the train... because what excuse could you possibly give that would justify blowing up a derailed train? That makes zero sense. I guess we'll have to see how the story unfolds because it's pretty damn weird.

People are calling this a Chernobyl-like event, and honestly so far it kind of feels like it. This shit has 911 vibes written all over it, and I guarantee you that a bunch of people get cancer.

It's so bad!

Like I can't even... I feel like the feds will be accused of derailing the train on purpose, because at this point that's the only narrative that makes sense: that they expected these volatile chemicals to be released just from the derailment and when that didn't happen they moved it to blow it up. Truly weird situation and I'm just talking out my ass at this point. Like I said this story isn't going to go away so we'll have plenty of crazy data to sift through.


And then there is just weird random stuff like this like a military aircraft with no callsign flying out of Ohio into Michigan and pulling these kinds of maneuvers for whatever reason? Again, it's all very Twin Towers vibes. Love this journey for us.


Conspiracy #8: UFOs and Aliens

I remember when I first heard the conspiracy theory that the CIA would run a false flag black ops alien invasion. It was the stupidest thing I had ever heard. Not so much anymore eh? We really have to wonder considering that military tech is 10 or 20 years ahead. How long have they had access to militarized AI that could help them build crazy shit that wouldn't even seem like it was possible?

I remember watching the batman movie The Dark Knight in 2008 and thinking about how ridiculous it was that they turned wifi signals into basically bat radar that he could use to detect everybody's location. Yeah, turns out now civilians have access to this technology and it was totally real the entire time. How's that for a mindfuck? Imagine what they have access to now. Yikes.

In any case this UFO narrative has been escalating for months if not years at this point, and if you think it's just gonna fizzle out without some kind of coup de grace pinnacle event then you haven't been paying attention.

At this point I can see two outcomes.

The first is that aliens are real and they are about to prevent us from doing something that is really stupid (like creating sentient AI). In science fiction stories like Star Trek the reason we haven't been visited by aliens yet is the Prime Directive. You're not supposed to intervene with developing lifeforms. The signal for when you are allowed to interact is when they invent faster than light travel. What if that was a real thing, but instead it was inventing sentient AI? Better theme for a movie than an actual theory for real life, I'm afraid.

The second and much more likely outcome is that all of this UFO shit is a trick. An actual full on fake alien invasion could lead to emergency powers granted to international agencies like NATO, the United Nations, WEF, WHO, etc etc. Again this all feeds into the New World Order Globalist Agenda stuff.

Yeah I don't know what to make of it all but it's starting to creep me the fuck out considering how many events are all getting stacked up on top of each other. Who's ready for the Apocalypse? Let's do this!



Clown World is reaching it's most clown world levels, and most of the population is blissfully ignorant to all the crazy events happening all around them. Must be nice. Couldn't be me! Why O why didn't I take the blue pill?


Did AI just advise us to kidnap a Tyrant's mother?
Wow AI doesn't fuck around.
I wonder what the military's version is up to right now.

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