Financial Awakening is upon us

Crypto has just shrugged off the latest USD liquidity squeeze, even as the corrupt system prepares to launch its own digital options. We found today's article on Zerohedge entitled The Circle Is Complete: BOJ Joins Fed And ECB In Preparing Rollout Of Digital Currency is especially revealing.

In it, the author shows how the current global elite are being critical of free and open systems as 'harboring illicit activity', even as all the evidence points to global banks like HSBC being behind laundering trillions of hot dollars for the most illicit in the land.

But the world is waking up to a better way.

Artist @MarshallMustang

Transparency is possible, and governments should try it.

Many things will have to change. Some evidence of this is being seen and will be seen in the 'DeFi' Decentralized Finance boom. Money will be made and lost, models will be forged and copied - there will be a lot of destruction along the way! New models are like this, but all involved are convinced that something very special is happening.

Example: UniSwap

We have recommended in several discords the following two articles to understand UniSwap, which were in turn recommended to us by @josephsavage when we wanted to understand.

First, Uniswap: A good Deal? takes a look at the relatively simple algebra behind the uniswap smart contract - the so-called 'Constant Product Method'.

Then, Understanding Uniswap Returns provides a look at how changes in the relationship between price can affect profitability over the long term, through a process called 'impermanent loss'.

Suffice it to be said, that we think that more than a few investors out there are on their way to 'impermanent losses', but they are engaged in a learning and forging process as a society or collective that is crucial to all of us.

Artist @MarshallMustang

This trend will continue in other areas. One of our most low key SYNERGY Fund Members is @quintaesencia. This project is working to incentivize sustainable development in spanish-speaking Latin America. They appear to be planning to roll out an integrated application and 'marketing plan for 2021' this year.

Open. Transparent. Ethical. Sustainable. Responsible. Profitable.

Its already happening. The electric field already knows we are waking up, and this is manifesting in countless ways. But there are perhaps no areas quite so exciting as finance!

Recently, this idea of layering has become popular in what is called 'DeFi Farming' as well as around HIVE. While we like to think that this is similar to our idea of the SYNERGY Fund itself, we are reminded of a @theycallmedan video where he talked about getting all the conveyor belts going in the same direction.

The world is connecting and connected.

The very ecological system we are a part of can be more fully understood this way! Our layered reality was in front of us all the time.

Finance is 'layering' into 'everyday' life.

And not just the one where the rich get to 'micro loan' the rest of us our lunch money. We are talking about, and forseeing, financial independence, financial creation, financial inclusion.

New and more distributed spheres of influence that are right around the corner.

More local empowerment, and a return to 'local' banking.

This is the future we see as we look at the last week's market action against a backdrop of a week of spurious activity. The world doesn't want more of the same with a different paint job.


Freedom and Friendship

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